【每天英语学习】20230608新鲜事 创历史之最英语表达

Huawei Technologies Co said on Wednesday that it is committed to continuing to invest in research of fundamental technology while enabling the digital transformation of the finance industry.
华为技术公司周三表示,将继续投资于基础技术研究,同时推动金融业的数字化转型 。
Millions of Chinese students sit for college entrance exams on Wednesday (Jun 7), the first since the country lifted zero-Covid rules end. China's education ministry says a record nearly 13 million students are registered to take the exams - known as "gaokao" - this year.
周三(6月7日),数以百万计的中国学生参加了高考,这是自中国取消动态清零(zero-Covid)规定后首次参加高考 。中国教育部表示,今年有近1300万名学生报名参加高考,创历史新高 。
Chinese universities are drastically increasing tuition fees this year, with some making their first rises in two decades, hurt by a reduced national budget for tertiary education and tight local government finances.
受国家高等教育预算减少和地方政府财政紧缩的影响,中国大学今年大幅提高学费,其中一些大学20年来首次上调学费 。
International professional wrestlers, who returned this week after the Covid-19 pandemic. China's professional league, Middle Kingdom Wrestling (MKW), held its championship card of eight bouts on Tuesday evening, featuring both domestic and foreign contestants before a live audience of about 350 fans cheering every bodyslam.
国际职业摔跤运动员,他们本周在新冠肺炎疫情爆发后回国 。周二晚上,中国职业联赛中王国摔跤(MKW)举行了八场比赛的冠军卡,国内外选手都参加了比赛,现场观众约350名,为每一场身体大满贯欢呼 。
China expressed "serious concern" Wednesday over the destruction of a major Russian-held dam in Ukraine, with Beijing saying it feared the "humanitarian, economic and ecological impacts" of the incident.
周三,中国对俄罗斯在乌某克某兰国控制的一座主要大坝被毁表示“严重关切”,北京方面表示担心这一事件的“人道主义、经济和生态影响” 。
Germany is preparing to host the biggest air deployment exercise in NATO’s history, a show of force intended to impress allies and potential adversaries such as Russia, German and American officials said Wednesday.
德国和美国官员周三表示,德国正准备主办北约历史上规模最大的空中部署演习,这是一场旨在给盟友和俄罗斯等潜在对手留下深刻印象的武力展示 。
U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy faces a revolt from hardline Republicans who accuse him of betraying an agreement that got him elected to lead the chamber, raising questions about the job security of the top Republican in Congress. About a dozen hardliners derailed a Republican effort in the House of Representatives on Tuesday to block new environmental regulations on household gas stoves, joining with Democrats to kill the measure in the Republican-controlled chamber.
美国众议院议长凯文·麦卡锡面临着强硬派共和党人的反抗,他们指责他背叛了一项让他当选为众议院议长的协议,这引发了人们对这位国会共和党高层工作保障的质疑 。周二,大约有十几名强硬派破坏了共和党在众议院阻止家庭燃气灶新环境法规的努力,他们与民主党人一起在共和党控制的众议院否决了这项措施 。
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken had an “open, candid” conversation with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in the early hours of Wednesday about a wide range of bilateral issues, according to a US official. Mr Blinken arrived in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday on a mission to steady Washington’s relationship with Riyadh after years of deepening disagreements on issues ranging from Iran to regional security to oil prices.
据一名美国官员透露,美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯周三凌晨与沙特王储穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼就一系列双边问题进行了“公开、坦诚”的交谈 。布林肯于周二抵达沙特阿拉伯,执行稳定华盛顿与利雅得关系的任务 。多年来,在伊朗、地区安全和油价等问题上的分歧不断加深 。