G8期中复习U4Wha\u0026#39;shebesmovieheae最好的电影院是哪个? 中国之最用英语比较级介绍

1. It’s always interesting to watch other people show their talents.
观看别人展示他们的才艺总是有趣的 。
1)watch sb./ sth. do sth. 意为 “观看某人/某物做某事”
他喜欢在课后看这些孩子做游戏 。
He likes to watch these children play games after class.
2)watch sb. do sth.与watch sb. doing sth.
watch sb. do sth. “看见某人做过某事” , 强调事情发生的全过程 。
例:我看着他穿上了外套 。
I watched him put on his coat.
3)watch sb. doing sth. “看见某人正在做某事” , 强调动作正在进行 。
例:他看着他们吃东西 。
He watched them eating.
三眼:look at, see, watch; 两耳:hear, listen to;
一注意:notice; 三个小使役:have, let ,make 。
help后面的动词不定式作宾补时 , to可有可无 。
2. Talent shows are getting more and more popular.
才艺表演节目变得越来越受欢迎 。
“比较级and比较级”或“more and more原级(多音节和部分双音节形容词)”意为“越来越……” 。
例:我们的城市越来越漂亮了 。
Our city is more and more beautiful.
越来越多的人在戒烟 。
More and more people are giving up smoking.
3. All these shows have one thing in common.所有这些节目有一个共同点 。
have …in common 意为有相同特征;(想法、兴趣等方面)相同” 。
例:他们的观点和我的相同 。
Their views have much in common with mine.
4. That’s up to you to decide. 这由你来决定 。
be up to somebody 是一个习惯用语 , 用来表示“由某人做出决定” ,  “是某人的职责 , 
句子的主语通常为it ,有时也用this或that. 常用的结构为: It’s up to sb. to do sth.
如:You can join the clue once or twice a week it’s up to you.
How much should he play? That’s up to him to decide!
例:帮助你学习英语是我的职责 。
It’s up to me to help you with English.
be up to ①忙于 , 从事 ②能胜任 , 适合
① 你现在在忙什么? What are you up to now?
② 她不能胜任这份工作 。She isn’t up to the job.
5. Some think that the lives of the performers are made up.
有些人认为这些表演者的生活是编造的 。
make up意为“编造(故事、谎言等)” , 句中be made up是被动语态 , “被编造” 。
make sb./ oneself up意为 “给某人/自己化妆”
我的朋友编造了一个有趣的故事逗我开心 。
My friend makes up a funny story to make me laugh.
你不该对你妈妈说谎 。
You shouldn’t make up lies to your mother.
她每天早上都要化妆 。
She makes herself up every morning.
6. However, if you don’t take these shows too seriously, they are fun to watch.
但是 , 如果你不把这些节目太当回事 , 它们还是有看头的 。
take… seriously, 认真对待……;把……当真(其中seriously是serious的副词形式 , 意为“严重地;严肃地;认真地”)
例:我希望你能更谨慎地对待它 。
I wish you can take it more seriously.
7. And one great thing about them is that they give people a way to make their dreams come true. 一个伟大的事情是他们给人们一种使他们的梦想成真的方法 。
give意为“给予;赠送;作出”; 常用于give sb. sth.或 give sth. to sb. 结构中 , 意为“把某物给某人”
请给我一个苹果 。Please give me an apple. =Please give an apple to me.
come true是动词词组 , 意为“实现”