福建四大古刹,福州五大禅林 哪5个( 三 )

九鲤湖位于风光秀美的仙游县境内 。面积ZI平方公坐,距县城31公里 。风景名胜区以湖、瀑、洞、石四奇著称,尤以匕瀑为最,素有“九鲤飞瀑天一奇”之美誉,她和武夷山、五华洞被明代旅行家徐霞客并称为福建“三绝” 。

福建四大古刹,福州五大禅林 哪5个

Fujian Province (Min for short) is located on the southeast coast of China, with Fuzhou as the provincial capital. Fujian is also the home of many overseas Chinese.
Fujian Province faces Taiwan Province across the Taiwan Straits. It is situated 115'50"-120'47" east longitude and 23'30"-28'19" north latitude with an area of more than 120,000 square kilometers. Mountains and hills make up the vast majority of Fujian's territory, while only narrow strips of the east seaside are plains. Fujian has a zigzag coastline of 2,120 kilometers dotted with 1,202 offshore islands, with a fishing area of 136,000 square kilometers. Most of its rivers empty into the sea separately.
Fujian has well-developed agriculture, forestry and fishery. Its mild, humid, subtropical and marine climate is especially conducive to crop production. Sugarcane, peanuts, tea, tobacco, rubber, jute and bluish dogbane are Fujian's major cash crops. Orange, longan, lichi, pineapple, loquat and banana are the six famous fruits of Fujian. Its industries of building materials, forest, light industry, electronics, chemical, machinery, and papermaking occupy important places in the country.
Fujian is blessed with a rich history, famous historical sites and beautiful natural landscapes, making it a unique tourist attraction. Its numerous tourist attractions include mountains, rivers and well-known cities. Quanzhou, one of China's famous historic and cultural ancient cities, is a human and scenic spot approved by the UNESCO; Xiamen, known as the "Garden on the Sea", is a picturesque special economic zone; Wuyi Mountain, inscribed on the World Heritage List, is famous for its peaks and Wuyi tea; the Kaiyuan Temple in Quanzhou, the Yongquan Temple in Fuzhou, the Guanghua Temple in Putian and the Nanshan Temple in Zhangzhou are the four famous grand ancient temples in Fujian. In addition, there are historical relics left behind by Zhu Xi and Zheng Chenggong.
福建省(闽的简称)位于中国东南沿海,与福州作为省会 。福建也是许多海外中国的家 。
【福建四大古刹,福州五大禅林 哪5个】福建省面向海峡两岸台湾省 。它位于115'50“-120'47”东经和23'30“-28'19”北纬拥有超过12万平方公里 。山地和丘陵占绝大多数福建的领土,而只有东海边的狭长平原是 。福建拥有星罗棋布的1202离岛2120公里曲折的海岸线,拥有13.6万平方公里捕鱼区 。它的大部分河流排入大海分开 。
福建有发达的农业,林业和渔业 。其温和,湿润,亚热带和海洋气候,特别有利于作物生产 。甘蔗,花生,茶叶,烟草,橡胶,黄麻和罗布麻是福建的主要经济作物 。橙,龙眼,荔枝,菠萝,枇杷,香蕉是福建六大名果 。其建材,林业,轻工,电子,化工,机械,造纸行业在全国占有重要场所 。
福建拥有得天独厚的丰富的历史,著名的历史景点和美丽的自然景观,使之成为一个独特的旅游景点 。其众多的旅游景点包括山脉,河流和知名城市 。泉州,中国著名的历史文化古城之一,是人与被联合国教科文组织批准的风景名胜区;厦门,素有“海上花园”,是一个风景如画的经济特区;武夷山,列入世界遗产名录,是著名的山峰和武夷茶;在泉州开元寺的涌泉寺在福州,广化寺在莆田和南山寺在漳州是福建四大名盛大古刹 。此外,还有朱熹,郑成功留下的历史文物 。