苹果系统安装python环境_mac下python相关环境搭建(python开发( 三 )

# ="true"
#theline tohow often to auto- (in days).
#theline toin ls.
# ="true"
#theline toauto-title.
# ="true"
#theline toauto-.
# ="true"
#theline tored dotsfor .
# OTS="true"
#theline if you want tofiles
# under VCS as dirty. This makescheck for large
# much, much .
# ="true"
#theline if you want tothetime
# stamp shown in the.
# You can set one of thethree :
# "mm/dd/yyyy"|"dd.mm.yyyy"|"yyyy-mm-dd"
# or set ausing the,
# see 'man ' for .
# ="mm/dd/yyyy"
# Would you like to usethan $ZSH/?
# =/path/to/new--
# Whichwould you like to load? ( can be found in ~/.oh-my-zsh//*)
#may be added to ~/.oh-my-zsh///
#: =(rails gitruby )
# Add , as too manyslow down shell .
# User
# You may need toset your
#for local and
# if [[ -n $ ]]; then
# else
# fi
#="-arch "
# ssh
# Set,thoseby oh-my-zsh libs,
# , and .can behere,oh-my-zsh
# users aretothe.
# For a full list of, run `alias`.
# alias ="mate ~/.zshrc"
# alias ="mate ~/.oh-my-zsh"
. /usr/local/lib/.7/site-///zsh/.zsh
本篇文章对各路安装方法进行总结和筛选,对于别人的方法和官方的文档进行了总结和筛选,我在安装和上手中掉过很多坑,希望这篇文章和上一篇文章《MacOS的小结及终端shell的选择和相关配置全过程(zsh++全解)》能帮助更换操作系统的童鞋们快速上手mac并快速高效的进入到开发中 。