
FUNK是惊恐; 沮丧; 懦过去式: funked 过去分词: funking 第三紧张!比我还糟!Myfacewentcrimson(whichitdoesoutofsheer funk). 我的脸变得通红(我极度恐慌时就会如此) 。Outofsheer funk hehadnotgonetotheparty. 他完全是处于胆怯而没有去参加宴会.扩展资料:例句如下:I guess I just woke up in a funk this morning. 我想今天我是从恐慌中醒来的 。He's in a blue funk for weeks because of losing his girl. 因失去女友,他已消沉了几个星期了 。If I were you, I should be in a funk myself. 假如我是你,我也会吃惊的 。He's in a blue funk about his job interview. 他对自己的招聘面试极为恐惧 。I was in a blue funk when my employer called me into his office. 老板叫我到他办公室去时,我心中忐忑不安 。From funk to hip-hop, latino to jazz, the mood is fun and the live music is fantastic. 从恐惧到嘻哈,拉丁爵士乐,心情很有趣,现场音乐是太棒了 。