杰克和豆茎电影 杰克和豆茎( 三 )

He , "Lay!" and the hen laid aegg.When the giant fell , Jack took the hen anddown the . Jack’svery happy with him.

杰克和豆茎电影  杰克和豆茎

他喊道:“下蛋!”然后母鸡就下了一个金蛋 。当巨人睡着以后,杰克拿走了母鸡,又爬下了豆茎 。杰克的妈妈高兴极了 。
After , Jack once againtheand went to the giant’s .
过了几天,杰克又爬上了豆茎,走到巨人的城堡里 。
For the third time, Jack met the giant’s wife and asked for some food. Once again, the giant’s wife gave him bread and milk.But while Jack was , the giant came home.
第三次,杰克碰到了巨人的妻子,并要了些食物 。又一次,巨人的妻子给了他面包和牛奶 。但是当他在吃的时候,巨人回来了 。
"Fee-fi-fo-fum,I smell the blood of an . Be he alive, or be he dead, I’ll grind his bones to make my bread!" cried the giant.
"Don’t be silly! There is no boy in here!"said his wife.
“别傻了,这里没有人!”他的妻子说 。
The giant had aharp that could playsongs.
巨人带回了一把有魔力的竖琴,它可以弹奏很多美妙的歌曲 。
While the giant slept, Jack took the harp and was about to leave.
当巨人睡着以后,杰克拿着竖琴,正准备离开 。
, the magic harp cried, "Help, ! A boy isme!"
The giant woke up and saw Jack with the harp. , he ran after Jack.
巨人醒了,看见杰克拿着竖琴 。巨人狂怒地追在杰克后面 。
But Jack was too fast for him. He ran down theandhome.
但是杰克比他跑得更快 。他跑下豆茎,回到了家 。巨人跟在他后面 。
The gianthim. Jackranhis house andan axe.
杰克快速地跑进屋子里,取来一把斧子 。
He began to chop the . The giant fell and died.
他开始砍这个豆茎 。巨人摔了下来死了 。
Jack and hiswere now very rich and they livedever after.
杰克和他的妈妈变得非常富有,从此过上了幸福快乐的生活 。
《杰克和豆茎》(Jack and the )是一则英国童话,它是最著名的杰克故事 。1734年首次出现于《杰克?史普林金与魔豆的故事》,1807年时出现在本杰明·塔巴特( )的版本《杰克与魔豆史话》,但最普及的是约瑟夫·雅各布( )的版本(1890年) 。
有研究认为,约瑟夫的版本可能比较接近口语流传时的版本,因为本杰明的版本中含有说教劝世的内容,而口语流传时的版本通常比较没有这类成分 。