杰克和豆茎电影 杰克和豆茎( 二 )

Jack went to theand on the way he met a man whoto buy his cow.Jack asked, "What will you give me infor my cow?"
杰克于是到集市卖牛,在路上,杰克遇到了一个男人想买他的牛 。杰克问:“你要给我什么来换我的牛?”
The man , "I will give you five magic beans!"Jack took the magic beans and gave the man the cow.
男人回答道:“我会给你五个魔豆!”杰克拿到了魔豆,把牛给了那个男人 。
But when hehome, Jack’swas very angry.She said, "You fool! He took away your cow and gave you some beans!"衡者启
但是当他到家以后,杰克的妈妈非常地生气 。她说:“你真傻!他牵走了你的牛,就只给你这些豆子!”
She threw the beans out of the . Jack was very sad and he went to sleep.
她把豆子扔出了窗外 。杰克非常伤心,没有吃晚饭就上床睡觉了 。
The next day, when Jack woke up in theandout of the , he saw that a hugehad grown from his magic beans!

杰克和豆茎电影  杰克和豆茎

Heup theandain the sky. There lived a giant and his wife.
他爬上豆茎,到达了天上的王国 。那里住了一个巨人和他的妻子 。
Jack wentthe house and found the giant’s wife in the .
杰克走进房子里,看见巨人的老嫌迅婆正在厨房 。
Jack said, "Could yougive meto eat? I am so !"The kind wife gave him bread and some milk.
他说:“你能给我一些吃的么?我太饿了!”好心的妇人给了他面包和牛奶 。
While he was , the giant came home. The giant was very big andvery .Jack wasand went and hid .
他正在吃的时候,巨人回家了 。巨人非常的大,看起来非常可怕 。杰克很害怕,他躲了起来 。
The giant cried, "Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of anman. Be he alive, or be he dead, I’ll grind his bones to make my bread!"
The wife said, "There is no boy in here!"
So, the giant ate his food and then went to his room. He took out his sacks of gold coins,them and kept them aside. Then he went to sleep.
于是巨人吃完东西进了屋子 。他拿出麻袋里的钱,数了数,把它们放在一边 。然后他就去睡觉了 。
In the night, Jack crept out of hisplace, took one sack of gold coins anddown the .
到了晚上,杰克从他躲藏的地方爬了出来,拿了一麻袋的金币,爬下了豆茎 。
At home, he gave the coins to his . Hiswas very happy and they lived well for some time.
回家后,他把金币给了妈妈 。妈妈高兴极了,他们过了一段好日子 。
After a while Jacktheand went to the giant’s house again.
过了一段时间,杰克又爬上了豆茎,走到巨人的屋子里 。
Once again, Jack asked the giant’s wife for food, but while he wasthe giant .
又一次,杰克向巨人的妻子要了食物 。但是当他在吃的时候,巨人回来了 。
Jack leapt up inand went and hid under the bed.
杰克一下子跳了起来,藏在了床底下 。
The giant cried, "Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an . Be he alive, or be he dead, I’ll grind his bones to make my bread!"
The wife said, "There is no boy in here!"The giant ate his food and went to his room. There, he took out a hen.
他的妻子说:“这里没有人!”巨人吃完东西进了房间 。这次他拿出了一只母鸡 。