Advice可数吗? advice可数吗 experience可数吗

Advice可数吗? advice可数吗 experience可数吗

【Advice可数吗? advice可数吗 experience可数吗】??(1) suggestion是可数名词 , 表示“意见 , 建议 , 提议” , 特指为了改进或解决某一问题而提出建议、办法等 , 但不一定正确 , 仅供参考 。语气比advice客气、委婉 。多用作可数名词 , 常和介词about,as to,at,on,by,with等搭配 。如:This trip was made at his teacher's suggestion.这次旅行是由他的老师建议组织的 。By her mother's suggestion the contribution was raised.根据她妈妈的建议发起了募捐 。
表示“一条建议”用a suggestion , “一些建议”是some suggestions,“许多建议”是many suggestions 。
(2) advice表示“忠告 , 意见 , 指点” , 是指具有丰富的知识、足够的经验、正确的判断力和明智的观点的人对另一个人的“劝告”或“见解” , 既可以是对于严肃的事物 , 也可以对琐碎事情提出意见 。advice经常带有客观性质 , 在实际应用中 , 凡是与自己没有关系 , 完全是为了对方而提出的意见或建议都可用advice 。
advice是不可数名词表示“一条建议”是a piece of advice,“一些建议”是some advice:
On the doctor's advice Amy is staying in bed.
Amy遵医嘱卧床休息 。You must act with advice at present.目前,你一定要谨慎行事 。
advice常和介词against,at,by,for,of,on,to,about,with等搭配 。如:My advice to you is that you should treat your wife with more consideration.我给你的忠告是你要多体贴妻子 。
It was only by my advice that she had given up the idea.在我的劝导下她才放弃了这个念头 。