猴子捞月英文绘本故事 猴子捞月英文

【猴子捞月英文绘本故事猴子捞月英文】up the moon.
英 [mu?n] 美 [mu?n]
n. 月亮;月球
v. 闲逛;虚度;露光臀示人
Last night there was a full moon.

猴子捞月英文绘本故事  猴子捞月英文

昨晚是满月 。
n. (名词)
1、moon的意思是指围绕地球旋转的“月亮”“月球” 。因为moon是地球唯一已知的天然卫星 , 它常与定冠词the连用 , 局侍首字母小写 。在科技文章中 , 为了醒目 , 常把moon的第一个字母大写 。moon有时可用于比喻 , 表桐告吵示“月状物” 。
2、moon在表示月亮某时间出现等某种状态时 , 可与不定冠词连用 , 此时其前常有形友辩容词修饰,作此解时常用单数 。
以下几种说法都对 , 希望能哪亩够帮历缓州到你!!\x0d\The Moon\肢蔽x0d\ Fish for the Moon\x0d\Asked for the Moon
猴子捞月 Thedrags for the moon
One day, aisby the well. He looks in the well and : “Oh! My god! The moon hasinto the well!” An olderruns over, takes a look, and says, “ me! The moon isin the water!” Andcomes over. He is veryas well and cries out: “The moon is in the well.” A group ofrun over to the well. They look at the moon in the well and shout: “The moon did fall into the well! Come on! Let’ get it out!” Then, thehangs on the tree up side down, with his feet on the . And he pulls the next ’s feet with his hands. All the otherhis suit, And they join each other one by one down to the moon in the well. Justthey reach the moon, thehis head andto see the moon in the sky; He yells“Don’t be so ! The moon is still in the sky!”
一天判郑 , 一个小猴子在井边玩耍 。他往井中看去 , 突然大叫起来“哦掘族颂 , 天啊 。月亮掉进井里了”一个更老的猴子跑穗高了过来 , 瞥了一眼 , 说道“我的天 , 月亮确实在水中啊!!”然后一个跑勤的猴子跑了过来 。他也对井中的月亮吃惊不已 , 大叫道“月亮在井中”一群猴子跑了过来 。他们也看着井中的月亮大叫道"月亮确实掉进井中了 。来啊 , 我们把它捞起来“然后 , 最老的猴子倒挂在树上 , 用腿钩住树枝 , 拉着另一个猴子的腿 。然后所有的猴子都跟着这么做 。他们就这样一个接一个地慢慢下到井底 。正当他们要够到月亮的时候 , 那个最老的猴子举起他的手 , 正巧看到月亮在空中 。他兴奋地大叫”别傻了 , 月亮还在天上呢“
猴子捞月英文绘本故事  猴子捞月英文

英语幽默故事 猴子捞月
英文猴子捞月: One day,aisby the well. He looks in the well and: “Oh!My god!The moon hasinto the well!” An olderruns over, takes a look,and says, “ me!The moon isin the water!” Andes over. He is veryas well and cries out: The moon is in the well. A group ofrun over to the well . They look at the moon in the well and shout: “The moon did fall into the well!Come on!Let’get it out!” Then,thehangs on the tree up side down ,with?his?feet on the. And he pulls the next ’s feet with?his?hands. All the other?his?suit And they join each other one by one down to the moon in the well. Justthey reach the moon,thehis head andto see the moon in the sky, He yells“Don’t be so !The moon is still in the sky!” 扩大正伏展资料: 原文: 有一天 , 一只小猴子在井边玩 。
他看着井里喊着:? “哦!天哪!月亮掉到井里去了!“ 一只老猴子跑过来 , 看一看 , 说:? “天哪!月亮真的在水里!“ 老猴子过来了 。他也很惊讶 , 大声喊道: 月亮在井里 。一群猴子跑到井里去了 。他们看着井里的月亮 , 大叫:? ?“月亮掉到井里去了!加油!把清物它拿出来!“ 然后 , 最老的猴子在树上挂在树上 , 脚在树枝上 。他用手拉动下一只猴子的脚 。其他猴子都跟着他的衣服 他们一个接一个地下钻到井里的月亮 。就在他们到达月球之前 , 最老的猴滚携子抬起头 , 碰巧看到了天上的月亮 ,  他激动地大喊:“别傻了!月亮还在天上!“ One day,aisby the well.He looks in the well and:Oh!My god!The moon hasinto the well!” An olderruns over, takes a look,and says, “ me!The moon isin the water!”Andes over. He is veryas well and cries out:“The moon is in the well.”A group ofrun over to the well?. They look at the moon in the well and shout:“The moon did fall into the well!Come on!Let’get it out!”Then,thehangs on the tree up side down ,with his feet on the. And he pulls the next ’s feet with his hands.All the otherhis suit,And they join each other one by one down to the moon in the well. Justthey reach the moon,thehis head andto see the moon in the sky,He yells“Don’t be so !The moon is still in the sky!” 扩展资料: 一、这个寓言故事典出于《法苑珠林·愚戆篇·杂痴部》 故事告诉人们 , 遇到事情要多动脑筋 , 认真观察 , 仔细思考 , 不能像猴子那样不切实际 , 自作聪明 , 到头来只是竹篮打水一场空 。