ceiling是什么意思 ceiling

当地时间1月20日,美国当选副总统 (vice-president-elect)卡玛拉?哈里斯 (Kamala Devi Harris) 在国会大厦宣誓就职,成为美国历史上首位女性副总统(first female vice-president) 。
外媒报道美国副总统卡玛拉?哈里斯时常和 glass ceiling 联系在一起,glass ceiling 是什么意思呢?
glass ceiling [?ɡlɑ?s ?si?l??] n.

ceiling是什么意思 ceiling


【ceiling是什么意思 ceiling】
我们先看看glass ceiling 在英语词典中的释义
the imaginary barrier that stops women, or other groups, from getting the best jobs in a company, etc. although there are no official rules to prevent them from getting these jobs; the attitudes and traditions in a society that prevent women from rising to the top jobs.
中文释义:无形限制,无形的阻碍,无形的障碍,无形顶障 (指妇女等在职务升迁上遇到的无形障碍,社会上限制女性升迁的态度和传统)
In her current role, she broke through the glass ceiling as the first woman to reach senior management level in the company.
她冲破了职场上那道无形的障碍升至现在的职位,成为公司里第一个升至高级管理层的女性 。
Kamala Harris breaks the glass ceiling
Kamala Harris breaks another glass ceiling becoming US Vice-President
Kamala Harris smashed through one of America&39;s highest glass ceilings Wednesday, becoming the first woman, first Black American and first person of Asian heritage to be appointed vice president
翻译:星期三(1月20日),卡玛拉?哈里斯冲破美国最高的隐形障碍,成为第一位被任命为副总统的女性、也是第一位非裔美国人和第一位亚裔人士 。
Madam Vice President: Kamala Harris shatters second-highest glass ceiling in the world
The first Black and South Asian woman to shatter this glass ceiling, Kamala Harris is a shining beacon of hope to all of us who work towards inclusive and equitable societies.
翻译:卡玛拉?哈里斯是第一位打破隐形顶障的非裔和南亚裔女性,她是我们所有为实现包容和公平社会而努力的人的一盏闪亮的希望之灯 。
ceiling是什么意思 ceiling

和glass ceiling 搭配使用的动词有:
hit 经历,遭遇 hit the glass ceiling 遭遇升迁的障碍
break (through) 突破 break through the glass ceiling
shatter [???t?(r)] v. 冲破 shatter this glass ceiling
smash [sm??] v. 打破,破碎 smash through one of America&39;s highest glass ceilings
crack [kr?k] 砸碎,打碎
1. beacon [?bi?k?n] 灯标,灯塔 beacon of hope 希望之灯
(注意:别把beacon 和bacon 搞混了 。bacon [?be?k?n]) 培根,咸猪肉,熏猪肉)
2. inclusive [?n?klu?s?v] 包容性的
3. equitable [?ekw?t?bl] adj. 公平合理的,公正的
ceiling是什么意思 ceiling

ceiling是什么意思 ceiling

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