青椒英语如何读 青椒英语怎样说

青椒英语如何读 青椒英语怎样说

青椒英语如何读 青椒英语怎样说 【青椒英语如何读 青椒英语怎样说】(1)、青椒英语:green pepper , 英 [?ɡri?n ?pep?(r)] 美 [?ɡri?n ?pep?r] 。
(2)、我要放一点青椒 。Im gonna take a little bit of green pepper.
(3)、不管怎样 , 反正你已经来了 , 手里拿着一把烤串 , 它们用箔纸松散地包着 , 散发出烟熏味和咸味 , 上面撒着诱人的孜然和辣椒:整只尖青椒像爪子一样 , 比竹签还长 , 特别辣;No matter. Youre here now, with a fistful of skewers in loose foil, smoky, salty and heady with cumin and chile: a talonlike whole green pepper, longer than the stick its impaled on and crazily hot;