合肥在售的墓地,合肥包公墓 英文

合肥包公墓 英文

合肥在售的墓地,合肥包公墓 英文

【合肥在售的墓地,合肥包公墓 英文】====================================
Bao Zheng, who styled himself Xi Ren, was a famous corruption-free official in the Northern Song Dynasty. He was born in Hefei in 999 AD, and died in 1062 AD. He was rewarded with a posthumous title “Xiao Su”(filial piety and solemnity) by the emperor.
Bao Gong Temple
It is located on the Fragrant Flower Mound in Baohe Park. Built for the first time in 1066 AD, the temple is the primal model in memory of Bao Zheng both at home and abroad. The existing Bao Gong Temple was reconstructed with the money donated by Li Hong Zhang, the governor-general of Zhili (now Hebei) in the 8th year (1882 AD) of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty. In 1961, it was proclaimed to be a key cultural relic site under the protection of Anhui Provincial Government.
Bao Gong Park
Hefei Bao Gong Park lies in the southeastern part of the old town, with an area of 31.8 hectares. “The landscape along the Baohe River” ranks at the top of“the ten scenic sights in Hefei.” It is the place for people to go for sightseeing or pay a tribute to Bao Zheng.
Bao Gong Tomb
It is located on the southern bank of the Baohe River, being one of the few well-preserved tombs of well-known officials in ancient China. The remains of Bao Zheng, his wife, and their offspring were all buried here. In 1956, it was listed as a key cultural relic site under the protection of Anhui provincial government. The tomb is characterized by an atmosphere of solemnity and tranquility.
合肥在售的墓地,合肥包公墓 英文

买过的 在殡仪馆买
正规墓地在合肥市殡仪馆内都设有窗口,到那一了解就全知道了 。
合肥在售的墓地,合肥包公墓 英文

大蜀山可以买的到,比较贵,一平方好几万 。
到合肥是殡仪馆了解一下,正规墓地在殡仪馆内都有窗口 。各家都是免费交通看墓,而且相关的信息也能了解到 。
合肥在售的墓地,合肥包公墓 英文

大兴和小蜀山在合肥市殡仪馆都设有办事处,墓地的价格有位置、材质、大小等因素决定,最好到实地看过,多家比较 。