高中英语摘抄实用句子 高中英语摘抄实用句子有哪些

高中英语摘抄实用句子 高中英语摘抄实用句子有哪些

高中英语摘抄实用句子 高中英语摘抄实用句子有哪些 The petals are as white as lanolin and ivory in shape. They are white and transparent and exquisite.花朵白若羊脂 , 形若象牙 , 皎白全透明 , 玲珑剔透 。
【高中英语摘抄实用句子 高中英语摘抄实用句子有哪些】The Peony Blossoming like dancing in the wind.那一朵朵绽放的牡丹花迎着风儿就象在舞蹈 。
One after another in full bloom of wild flowers, competing to open their eyes.一朵朵绽放的野花 , 力争上游张开眼睛 。
The golden rape flowers withered and their heads drooped.金黄色的油菜花萎蔫了 , 耷拉着脑子 。
Autumn wind galloped across the field, everything in the field turned golden.秋風活蹦乱跳地驰聘过田野 , 田野里的所有都成为了金黄 。
One after another crystal clear dewdrops connected together, like a string of exquisite pearl chain.一颗颗晶莹剔透的露水连在一起 , 像一串精美的珍珠链 。
The white frost shines on the leaves, as if embroidered with silver and white on the green background.白霜在落叶上发光 , 像是在绿底上绣着雪白的美丽 。
Rose like a shy girl, smiling and nodding to people.月季花像羞涩的女生 , 微笑着朝人们颔首请安 。
The flowers are in full bloom, and the stamens stick out their heads and smile.花儿绽放了 , 花蕊探出头来 , 露出了笑容 。
The rose smiles quietly when the sun comes out.玫瑰花在阳光出来的时候默默的笑了 。