英语教师自我介绍 小学英语教师自我介绍

英语教师自我介绍 小学英语教师自我介绍

1、Please allow me to introduce myself in a minute. My name is Han Meimei, graduated from Normal University Department of English majors, has now been speakingLevel six level.I am steady, practical work hard, have a strong team spirit, diligent, hard-working, obedience to superior orders to listen toFrom the command. During the school actively participate in various activities, for three consecutive years as a member of the study, business English writing ability, had a briefEnglish teaching experience.In class, I encourage students to voice their opinions and to approach to the way of learning English, because I think that learning is a kind of personalizedProcess. Everyone should become a critical thinker in my class, I want to be a good teacher in the true sense of the. Iam not the traditionalTeacher. I think in my classroom English teaching reform. I hope I can do something to change the present situation of English teaching.Finally, I hope that their personal expertise in English teachers post, contribute to the cause of education.
【英语教师自我介绍 小学英语教师自我介绍】

2、翻译:各位考官!请允许我用一的时间做自我介绍 。我叫韩梅梅,毕业于师范大语系专业,现在已过口语等级六级水平 。本人稳重,工作踏实勤奋,具有较强的团队合作精神,好学,能吃苦耐劳,能够服从上级的命令听从指挥 。在校期间积极参加各项活动,连续三年当任学习委员,商务英语写作能力强,有过短暂的英语教学经验 。在课堂上,我鼓励学生表达自己的意见和方法以其英语学习方式,因为我认为学习是一种个性化的过程 。每个人都应该成为重要的思想家班上 , 我想成为一个好老师在其真正意义上的 。我不是传统的教师 。我想在我的课堂英语教学改革 。希望我能做点什么来改变现状的英语教学 。最后我希望在英语教师的岗位上发挥个人的专业特长 , 为教育事业贡献力量 。