that什么意思?that 的用法解析

that什么意思?that 的用法解析

That 在英语中是一个相当活跃的词 , 用法非常丰富 , 小编为大家总结如下:
一 , that 用作指示代词 that 用作指示代词 ,  this 相对 ,  跟 分别表示远指和近指 ,  它们的复数形式分别为 those 和 these.
Eg. This is a pen and that is a . These are some pens and those are some .
尤其要注意的是 this 要指代后面要讲的事 , 而 that 则指代前面已提到的事情 。
Eg. What he told me is this: heto go to. He didn’tthe. That ishe was ill.
That 和 those 还常用于表示对比的句子中指代比较对象 。That 指代不可数名词和单数名词 ,  those 则指代复数名词 。
Eg. Theof china isthan that of Japan. Thesearethan those welast year.
二 , that 引导定语从句 that 引导定语从句 , 既可指代人 , 也可指代物 , 在定语从句中充当主语 , 表语 , 或宾语 , 作 主语时不可以省略 。
Eg. The man that iswith ouris my . The book that mygave me as agift is gone. The city is nothe one that it used to be.
特别注意以下几种情况只能用 that 作引导词:
1. 当先行词前有形容词最高级、序数词以及 both,all,every, no,any,,much,some,very,the only 等词修饰时 。
Eg. This is the mostfilm that I’ve ever seen. This is the lastthat we have this term. And then Iall thethat wre on the table fell off onto the floor.
2. 当先行词为 all,,,,,much 等不定代词时 。
Eg.thatbe done has been done.
3. 当先行词中既有人又有物时 。Eg. Theyabout theandthat they couldat .
4. 当主句是以 who 或 which 开头的特殊疑问句时 。Eg. Who is the woman that isa red coat.
5. 当先行词在定语从句中作表语时 。Eg. Tom is nothethat he used to be.
还要注意以下两种情况中不能用 that. 1. 非限制性定语从句中用 which,不用 that Eg. He came late again, which made hisangry. 2. 介词后的关系代词用 which, 不用 that Eg. This is the book for which I paid.
三 , that 引导的名词性从句
That 作为连接词可引导主语、表语、宾语以及同位语从句 , 其特征为:无实义 , 不充当句 子成分 , 引导主语从句时不可以省略 。
Eg. That he came late made me angry. (主语从句)
I think that you’’ll have a.(宾语从句)
Theis that we can’’tmoney.(表语从句)
The news that he had won the first prize made us very happy.(同位语从句)
1. That 引导定语从句是可充当主语、宾语或表语 , 而引导同位语从句时不充当句子成分 。2. 定语从句对前面的名词起修饰限定的作用 , 而同位语从句则说明该名词的具体内容 , 起 解释说明的作用 。Eg. Thethat she made is of great value.她提出的那个建议是很重要的 。Thethat henot go there is of great value.他不应该去那儿的这条建议很重要 。
that什么意思?that 的用法解析

四 , that 用在强调句中
有时候 , 为了强调句子中的某个成分 , 常用强调句式:it+be+被强调部分+that+句子的其他 部分 。Eg. It is I that am to blame.(此句中为了强调主语 I ,  将其放到了被强调位置 ,  句子的其他部分 则放到了 that 的后面) 。这个结构可用来强调除谓语以外的其他句子成分如主语、宾语、表语、状语等 。
Eg. I met him in the. It is I that/who met him in the.(强调主语) It is him that/whom I met in the. (强调宾语)