中餐和西餐的不同英语作文 中餐西餐差异英语作文

中餐和西餐的不同英语作文 中餐西餐差异英语作文

1、What people like to eat depends on the environment and custom. There are two main kinds of food which are Chinese food and western food. They are different.
人们喜欢吃什么取决于环境和风俗 。有两种主要的食品,中餐和西餐的 。他们是不一样的 。
2、First, cook techniques are different. Chinese people tend to use stir-fry or quick-fry method. Western people like to have their vegetables or meat either steamed or boiled. Second, Chinese food and western food have their own characteristics. Chinese people think taste is more important. Chinese cooks always spend much time on taste. Western people think nutrition is more important. They have a balanced diet. Their food must contain vitamin and protein. Third, there is also a huge difference. Chinese people use chopsticks. They just use chopsticks to pick things and pass it into your mouse. Western people use fork and knife. They use fork to hold the meat and cut it by knife and use fork to help to get that piece of meat into mouse. Finally, the banquet forms are different. Chinese like to eat dinner together at a big table. Western people like to eat buffet. They like to eat freely.【中餐和西餐的不同英语作文 中餐西餐差异英语作文】

首先,烹调方法不同 。中国人倾向于使用旺火炒或者爆的方法 。西方国家的人喜欢蒸或者煮蔬菜或肉 。第二 , 中餐和西餐都有他们自己的特点 。中国人认为味道更重要 。中国厨师总是在味道上花很多时间 。西方人觉得营养更重要 。他们有着均衡的饮食 。他们的食物必须含有维生素和蛋白质 。第三,还有一个很大的区别 。中国人使用筷子 。他们只是用筷子夹东西进嘴巴 。西方人使用刀叉 。他们用叉把肉定?。?用刀把它切小,之后再用叉把肉放到嘴巴里 。最后,宴会的形式也是不一样的 。中国人喜欢一起在一张大桌子边吃晚餐 。西方人喜欢吃自助餐 。他们喜欢自由自在地吃 。