彭布罗克威尔士柯基犬智商( 二 )

前腿短,前臂略向内弯,肘关节到腕关节的长度小于到肩关节的长度,显得前肢不是太直 。前肢骨骼发达,并且与爪子垂直 。脚腕结实,侧面观接近直形,软弱和前弯都是严重缺点 。肩胛骨长而沿胸阔向后仰,上臂与肩胛骨近等长,肘与躯干平行,不突出,从肩胛骨最高处到肘关节划一直线,肘关节后置所划的线垂直于地面 。脚椭圆形,其两中心趾稍长于外侧两趾,既不内翻也不外展 。脚垫强健,脚拱起,爪短 。前后腿的退化趾 。
Legs - Short, forearms turned slightly inward, with the distance between wrists less than between the shoulder joints, so that the front does not appear absolutely straight. Ample bone carried right down into the feet. Pasterns firm and nearly straight when viewed from the side. Weak pasterns and knuckling over are serious faults. Shoulder blades long and well laid back along the rib cage. Upper arms nearly equal in length to shoulder blades. Elbows parallel to the body, not prominent, and well set back to allow a line perpendicular to the ground to be drawn from tip of the shoulder blade through to elbow.

后躯骨骼发达,较硬且富有弹性,膝关节和飞节角度适中 。角度太大或太小都会影响犬的品质 。股部肌肉发达,两飞节短,互相平行,当从一侧观察时,与地面应呈垂直状 。圆桶状飞节或飞节翘起是最令人讨厌的缺点 。飞节突出或有双关节都会影响犬的品质 。爪子与前肢相似 。
Ample bone, strong and flexible, moderately angulated at stifle and hock. Exaggerated angulation is as faulty as too little. Thighs should be well muscled. Hocks short, parallel, and when viewed from the side are perpendicular to the ground. Barrel hocks or cowhocks are most objectionable. Slipped or double-jointed hocks are very faulty. Feet - as in front.

尾巴尽可能是短的断尾,偶然有幼犬天生断尾,这是允许的 。如果不是尾巴上翘太高破坏了犬的背线轮廓,上翘长度在5厘米以下是可以的 。
Docked as short as possible without being indented. Occasionally a puppy is bornwith a natural dock, which if sufficiently short, is acceptable. A tail up to two inches in length is allowed, but if carried high tends to spoil the contour of the topline.

被毛长度适中,绒毛层短而厚,外层被毛较长而粗糙,能抵御各种环境条件 。全身毛量长度不等,颈圈、胸部和肩部稍厚而长,身躯的被毛平伏 。前肢腹面、下腹部与后躯腹的毛比较长 。被毛最好是直的,允许有波纹 。本品种的犬容易褪毛,被毛浓密、健康、修剪良好 。若出现季节性退去绒毛层不该当做缺点 。毛偏硬、过分短、薄而平滑的被毛是非常严重的缺陷 。被毛蓬松——耳朵,胸部、腿部、足部、下腹部、后躯处的被毛极长、极多是最严重的缺陷 。该犬应在自然状态下展出,除了修饰脚部以及剪去触须外,修剪被毛是不被允许的 。
Medium length; short, thick, weather- resistant undercoat with a coarser, longerouter coat. Over-all length varies, with slightly thicker and longer ruff around the neck, chest and on the shoulders. The body coat lies flat. Hair is slightly longer on back of forelegs and underparts and somewhat fullerand longer on rear of hindquarters. The coat is preferably straight, but some waviness is permitted. This breed has a shedding coat, and seasonal lack of undercoat should not be too severely penalized, providing the hair isglossy, healthy and well groomed. A wiry, tightly marcelled coat is very faulty, as is an overly short, smooth and thin coat. Very Serious Fault - Fluffies - a coat of extreme length with exaggerated feathering on ears, chest,legs and feet, underparts and hindquarters. Trimming such a coat does not make it any more acceptable. The Corgi should be shown in its natural condition, with no trimming permitted except to tidy the feet, and, if desired,remove the whiskers.