两岁狗智商( 二 )

The preschool aims to mimic a natural home environment so children feel safe and comfortable while learning in the space, she said. In addition to sensory stimulation and play time, students learn things like Spanish, sign language, how to use various technology and yoga.
这所幼儿园旨在模拟天然的家庭环境,让孩子们在这里学习的同时感到安全舒适 。除了感官刺激和游戏时间,学生们会学习西班牙语、手语、瑜伽等技能,以及如何运用各种科技 。
One of the things they've learned while raising Kashe, Athwal said, is how to communicate and be intentional with their words effectively.
阿斯瓦尔说,他们在抚养卡什的过程中学到的一个东西就是如何有效地沟通以及有意地运用自己的语言 。
'Aside from her high IQ, she understands emotion, she understands context and the way we communicate,' she said. 'If we say something incorrectly she'll be like, 'No that's not what you said,' or, 'That's not what it is.' She's always correcting us.'


她说:“除了拥有高智商,卡什能理解感情、语境以及我们沟通的方式 。如果我们说错了什么,她会说:‘你刚才不是这么说的’或‘你说的不对’ 。她总是会纠正我们 。”
While they encourage Kashe's development and let her set the pace for what she wants to do, her parents also make sure to keep her balanced. Kashe's interests include 'Frozen,' 'Paw Patrol,' watermelon, swimming, messy paint and science experiments.
在鼓励卡什按照自己的节奏自由成长的同时,卡什的父母也确保她在各方面平衡发展 。卡什对《冰雪奇缘》、《汪汪队立大功》、西瓜、游泳、彩绘涂鸦和科学实验都很感兴趣 。
'Being a child is most important,' her mom said. 'We want to keep her youthful as long as we can. Socialization and her emotional growth are the most important things for us.'
卡什的母亲说:“最重要的是让她好好做个孩子 。我们希望尽可能长久地让她保持一颗年轻的心 。她的社会化和情感发展对我们来说是最重要的 。”