国籍是China还是chinese-国籍是china还是chinese( 二 )

(1)A close relative of a Chinese person;
(2)Resided in China;
(3)There are other legitimate reasons.
(3)有其他正当理由的 。
II. Acceptance and approval authority
The local municipal or County Public Security Bureau shall be the organ that accepts the application for restoration of nationality inside China; Chinese diplomatic missions and consulates shall be the organ that accepts the application abroad. Applications for restoration of Chinese nationality shall be examined and approved by the Ministry of Public Security of the peoples Republic of China.
受理国籍申请的机关,在国内为当地市、县公安局,在外国为中国外交代表机关和领事机关 。加入中国国籍申请,由中华人民共和国公安部负责审批 。
III. Application procedures
1.Fill in the application form for restoration of nationality of the peoples Republic of China.
2.Submit a written application for acquisition of Chinese nationality.
3.Submit corresponding certificates:
(1) Copy of foreign passport;
(1) 外国护照复印件;
(2) Copy of foreigners permanent residence permit;
(2) 外国人永久居留证复印件;
(3) If both or one of the parents is a child born to a Chinese citizen, the relevant certificate that one has foreign nationality at the time of birth must be provided.
(3) 如父母双方或一方为中国公民所生的子女,须提供本人出生时即具有外国国籍的相关证明 。
(4) Other materials required by the accepting authority to be relevant to the application for restoration of nationality;
(4) 受理机关认为与申请国籍有关的其他材料 。
IV. Other matters
After being approved to acquire Chinese nationality, one shall not retain foreign nationality. Entry and exit procedures shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of Chinese citizens.
被批准加入中国国籍后,不得再保留外国国籍 。出入境手续按中国公民有关规定** 。
If you have lived in China for many years and are tired of troublesome visa renewal, you can consider applying for Chinese nationality. Excellent foreigners joining us will make our country more prosperous.
【国籍是China还是chinese-国籍是china还是chinese】如果您已在中国居住多年,并厌烦了麻烦的签证更新,可以考虑申请加入中国国籍 。优秀的外籍人士加入我们会让我们的国家更加繁荣昌盛 。