owha是什么意思|owha的音标|owha的用法( 三 )

9. Faust, Now that we've come this far, I won't let you die.
Faust:「都已经到这种地步了,我不会让你死的 。
10. now that的解释
10. Let us enter this mad holiday as Luo Huang's camera lens now, in the hour of each jeopardy, the affection that savours dark quick style sends out the sunshine flavor that give -- temporary we are not found out the friendship that is explained again and again in article or be love.
现在让我们随着罗皇的镜头进入这个疯狂的假期,在每一个危难的时刻,品味冥灵式的情感散发出的阳光气息——暂时我们就不要追究文中被一再辩解的友情或是爱情了 。
11. And yet, if we examine what happened to the Dionysian powers under the pressure of that treaty we notice a great difference: in the place of the Babylonian Sacaea, with their throwback of men to the condition of apes and tigers, we now see entirely new rites celebrated: rites of universal redemption, of glorious transfiguration.
这是欢乐极时的惶惑惊呼,或者恨海难填的眷恋哀鸣 。
12. Third, economic growth was buoyed in recent years as the City thrived on the back of all the clever financial deals that have now come unstuck.
第三,近年来的经济增长有赖于伦敦金融城的繁盛,这一繁盛同那些看似明智的金融交易密不可分,而正是这些交易造成了如今的混乱局面 。
13. You talk to me you speak with me, don't sink before you rise baby don't fade away you hesitate you seem to wait for all the time we had feels like a world away who's to say we'll be ok we're gonna make it through the night don't wanna wake up in this state i just want us both to smile cause we're the same and i know that we'll never change look i bought your favourite ice cream i don't wanna see it melt away if you walk out now i don't know if we're gonna be the same baby just talk with me cause i want you to stay here with me i want you to stay here with me
14. now that
14. More geese that swans now live, more fools that wise.
当今笨天鹅多于天鹅,庸夫多于智者 。
15. Rhett Butler: Now that you've got your lumer mill and Frank's money. You won't come to me as you did to the jail.
现在你有木材生意和弗兰克的钱,你不会像我坐牢是那样求我了 。
16. I am not sure which crack I am using… I started using the 2099 timerstop krak, but later I deleted that one and the krak I have now tells VistShit I have an Asus motherboard.
我不知道这打击我现在用的……我开始使用2099 timerstop krak,但后来我删除了一个和krak我现在告诉vistshit我有一个华硕主板 。
17. now that在线翻译
17. I had said that I would make friends with my studets, and now I found it was so funny.
18. That's important for easing the impact to our users. Now
这对于减轻对我们用户的冲击很重要 。
19. Now that you know what rigid fiberglass is, where the heck do you buy it?
20. Now many college students think that it's inperfect if there's no love in college life.