isead是什么意思|isead的音标|isead的用法( 四 )

15. Instead of smiling, each of them made a face.
同学们脸上没有笑容,相反都做了怪脸 。
16. instead的翻译
16. Instead of looking at the process in exclusive political-economic terms and from the urban standpoint, this course seeks to study interactively the rural and the global/modern interface, and inclusively in the terms of cultural development, focusing on the areas of concepts, histories, and theoretical perspectives concerning the emergence of peasantry and village, modernization and capitalization of agriculture, representations of trans-national or peasant workers (as inter-cultural intermediaries), residue of rural and communal culture from within the urban and global settings and its cleavage.
这现象常常被政治经济的研究模式所限制,并单纯地从城市化的视点圈画观察范围,本科尝试从乡村和全球化的交互关系出发,采取文化发展跨学科的兼容度向,由概念、历史和理论框架等层面,讨论农民和农村的现象,农业现代化和资本化,关於跨国界和农民工的指涉,城市和全球化处境中存留下来的乡村和社区文化和种种矛盾的看法 。
17. Reliangbiao flow is the main parameters instead of models range.
热量表的选型主要参数是流量而不是管径 。
18. If the bad thing does not happen we might be able to take advantage of something good instead.
如果坏的事情没有发生,我们便可以因较好的事取代了而获益 。
19. Maybe that's a question for an English teacher instead of a sportswriter.
这应该是英语老师头疼的问题,而不是体育评论员所讨论的事 。
20. instead的翻译
20. Tsao said that although modern China invested in African raw material companies it did not trust local workers and instead imported its own.
曹景行说,尽管中国现代对许多非洲原材料公司进行了投资,但中国并不信任当地的工人,反而带去了中国自己的工人 。
instead 词典解释
1. 代替…;而不是…
If you do one thing instead of another, you do the first thing and not the second thing, as the result of a choice or a change of behaviour.
e.g. She had to spend nearly four months away from him that summer, instead of the usual two...
那个夏天她被迫离开他将近四个月而不是通常的两个月 。
e.g. Check-out workers in London will receive £7.17 an hour instead of £6.54...
伦敦的收银员每小时工资将从原先的 6.54 英镑涨为 7.17 英镑 。
2. 作为替代;反而;相反地
If you do not do something, but do something else instead, you do the second thing and not the first thing, as the result of a choice or a change of behaviour.
e.g. He reached for the wine but did not drink, pushed it, instead, across the table towards Joanna...
他伸手拿酒却没有喝,而是把它推给了坐在桌子对面的乔安娜 。
e.g. The kitchen might have been workable had Nicola kept it tidy; instead it was littered with pots and pans...
如果妮古拉会收拾,厨房本来是能用的;但现在,这里到处乱放着锅碗瓢盆 。
instead 单语例句
1. Business is now sometimes done with private Chinese oil companies instead of the China Oil Ministry.
2. Unlike the British man, the current generation of business people act instead of think.
3. Instead of paying business tax on all transactions in the industrial chain, modern service providers will pay 6 percent VAT.
4. Instead, it comes from a business ethic based on trust rather than litigation.
5. Some producers currently use cocoa butter substitute processed with edible lipids instead of cocoa butter made from cacao.
6. They tended to mend their own clothes instead of buy new ones, and searched for foreclosed homes to save money.
7. A Japanese investor who held dollar equities or real estate could instead have offset the exchange rate loss by buying yen futures.