heapy是什么意思|heapy的音标|heapy的用法( 二 )

为研究心先安对充血性心力衰竭患者左室收缩功能的影响及其机制,采用超声心动图法对患者治疗前后的左室收缩功能作了评定,并观察了心先安对培养乳鼠心肌细胞内环磷酸腺苷及乳酸脱氢酶漏出的影响 。34例病人随机分成2组:常规治疗组和心先安治疗组,疗程均为1周 。
7. All cases should treatment with conservative procedure at first and then postponent operation were performed. Cholangeitic pancreatitis may follow by suppurative cholangitis and pancreatic necrosis, it need emergent or early operation if conservative therapy failure.
首先均应先予以药物保守治疗为宜,前者容易保守治愈后行择期手术,后者可能并发化脓性胆管炎和胰腺坏死,需急症手术或保守治疗无效时则需及早手术 。
8. In AnBa village, it just shows this pluralistic phenomenon both in people`s belief of what causes illness and options for therapy.
在庵坝,无论是对疾病的病因信仰还是治疗选择都表现为多元的现象 。
9. Pulmonary fibrosis can be divided into two types of syndrome which should be treated oppositely. Asthma and COPD include two parts of period which need different therapy. Lung cancer needs a combined therapy besides TCM.
感冒、咳嗽的辨治及治疗方法强调针对个体及时令的个性化治疗;喘证及肺间质纤维化主分虚实;哮病及肺胀分为缓解期及发作期进行辨证治疗治疗;肺癌治疗主张采用包括中医药疗法多学科综合治疗 。
10. Methods:The esophageal protuberant focus were examined by the MPS, according to the results, diagnosis were definitel and different therapy project were performed.
对食管隆起病变进行内镜下超声微探头检查,根据超声检查资料进行诊断并选择治疗方法 。
11. Early intervention was used to educate and train the hypophrenia children initially, but in these years, it has been gradually utilized in the clinical therapy of HIE because the happeness of sequels of the moderate and severe HIE was not decreased well even when active drug treatment has been used in neonatal period.
早期干预就是根据小儿神经生理与神经发育的原理和规律,利用各种方式刺激运动及感知通路上的神经元,调节其兴奋性,以获得正确的感知力及运动控制能力的一类早期预防康复治疗技术 。
12. The elongated needle therapy has a definite therapeutic effect on dysuria induced by benign prostatic hyperplasia.
芒针疗法对BPH引起的排尿困难症疗效优于常规针刺,具有较好的可重复性 。
13. therapy
13. Solani hemorrhoid therapy: a drug-twist therapy, will enable the hemorrhoid tissue abnormalities and chemical inflammatory reaction, caused by fibrous tissue hyperplasia, to achieve the purpose of the treatment of hemorrhoids.
枯痔疗法:即药捻疗法,可使痔组织发生异常和化学炎症反应,引起纤维组织增生,达到治疗痔疮目的 。
14. therapy的解释
14. Key words:Parkinson's disease; gene therapy; neurotropic factor; tyrosine hydroxylase
虽然目前PD的基因治疗还停留在实验室阶段,但现有的结果是令人鼓舞的 。
15. Methods 90 Sprague-Daw rats were divided into sham-operative group, ICH model group and ginkgo therapy group. Every group divided 6h, 12h, 24h, 72h and 7d. Collagenase type Ⅶ with heparinize was infused into the right caudate nucleus to establish rat experimental ICH model.
采用肝素化VII型胶原酶脑内注入法制作大鼠脑出血模型,应用免疫组化技术测定大鼠脑出血后血肿周围组织中IL-8、ICAM-1的表达含量 。
16. There was no significant change of vasodilation responding to nitroglycerin and brachial diameter in all groups after simvastatin therapy.
辛伐他汀治疗后肱动脉内径和肱动脉对硝酸甘油的反应均无显著改变 。