sess是什么意思|sess的音标|sess的用法( 二 )

7. Therefore the construction process and material properties of RCC arch dam must be simulated precisely so as to take reasonable engineering measures to reduce the thermal stress in the dam.
所以,必须准确模拟碾压混凝土拱坝的施工过程和材料特性,仿真计算拱坝温度场和应力场,以便采取合理的工程措施,减少坝体的温度应力 。
8. According to this characteristic of induced crack, on the existing research results, the simulation method of induced crack in simulation analysis of the thermal stress of RCC arch dam is presented, and simulation program for RCC arch dam with induced crack is worked out using 3-D finite element method.
本文根据诱导缝的这一特点,在已有的研究成果上,提出了诱导缝在碾压混凝土拱坝温度应力场仿真分析中的模拟方法,编制了含诱导缝的碾压混凝土拱坝温度应力场三维有限元仿真计算程序 。
9. The needed stress of developing twin is less than the needed stress of slip, the Burgers vector of twinning dislocation is less than the normal dislocation, so the Peier...
试验表明:以上组织结构的变化,提高了合金抗高温塑性变形能力,减轻了高温焊接时粘焊现象的发生,电极的耐磨性明显提高 。
10. The temperature field and residual stress field of 3-D multi-pass weld are obtained, and the results are discusses.
11. Pressure vessel; welding; weld; coupling field; residual stress
12. In this paper, the temperature field and stress field in SiC/Al weld process were simulated by FEA software ANSYS firstly. Then the distribution of residual stress was obtained.
本文首先运用有限元方法对SiC/Al焊接双材料结构的残余应力进行数值模拟分析,得到焊接过程任意时刻的温度场、应力场变化情况和残余应力分布 。
13. I can`t stress enough just how good Ole`s finishing was - it was a joy to watch in training.
我对他的射门能力五体投地——看他训练也是种乐趣 。
14. In addition, the internal reaction medium leakage would generate strong corrosion of external layers, and the steam medium containing chloride ions can also lead to outer side stress corrosion cracking of the liner.
另外,内部工作介质泄露可引起外部层板的强烈腐蚀,而蒸汽介质含有的氯离子也可以引起内衬层外侧的应力腐蚀开裂 。
15. stress
15. Tensile test was performed by univariate method under simulated normal body temperature (36.5±0.5)℃, at 20 mm/min. When the specimens were destructed, stress-strain curve and data were automatically output by computer.
在模拟正常人体温在(36.5±0.5)℃的温度场下进行,以20 mm/min的速度对试样施加拉应力,试样破坏后,计算机自动输出应力-应变曲线和数据 。
16. Silicon pie zoresistive sensor is applied here t o in -situ record the curing stress evolution for different adhesives and the distributions of the re sidual stress.
利用硅压阻传感器,原位实时地记录了不同粘接剂在FR4有机层压板衬底上固化过程中芯片表面的应力变化和残余应力的分布状况 。
17. In the direction perpendicular to the rolling plane convex curve was continuous basic cylindrical or conical roller to prevent roller and raceway contact points to the stress concentration.
在垂直于滚动方向的平面内呈连续的微凸曲线的基本圆柱形或圆锥形的滚道,以防止在滚子与滚道接触处产生应力集中 。
18. At cellular level, the molecular mechanisms of oxidative stress-induced endothelial injuries will be studied.
在细胞层面,主要研究氧化状态改变对内皮细胞影响的分子机转 。
19. The circuit itself presents a tough challenge for the cars, with a very long straight and a mix of fast and slow corners, with the very long banked turn leading onto the back straight, putting a lot of stress onto the left hand side tyres, while the opening two corners are very tricky slow tightening turns that can lose a driver a lot of time and can be the deciding factor in setting a quick qualifying lap.