dilemma是什么意思|dilemma的音标|dilemma的用法( 二 )

我的一个朋友对我讲述,他们所属华社日益扩大,利欲熏心下,有一些人自然就滋生贪念,为了权利、名义、利益,等等,想方设法排除异己,这个时候就出现了所谓垂帘听政的慈禧太后、糊涂皇帝、和绅等人,社团就成这些人争夺的帮派了,与会员没有建立很好的沟通机制,社团里的官场争斗如古代宫廷里的后宫,也斗也激烈,使会员内部不团结,勾心斗角,弄的其它成员左右为难,形成小圈子,内部的纷争,做不到抱成社团用一个声音说话,我们要避免这种恶性竞争,力戒同美相妒,朋友成冤家 。
14. And since modern times, it could be said that the dilemma is rooted in reason. As a result, aesthetics acts a role to save and sublate reason.
这个问题从近代以来很大程度上是理性的问题与困境,而美学正是那被借助以便拯救理性又将其扬弃的东西 。
15. So depended on a single nation, actions against corruption will be in dilemma.
因此仅靠单个国家的努力,反腐败必然出现孤掌难鸣的困境 。
16. dilemma是什么意思
16. His dilemma is that nearly one-third of the city's 2.5 square miles is either nontaxable church land or lightly taxed land owned by the utility.
他面对的两难处境是,该市2.5平方英里的土地中有近三分之一要么是免税的教堂用地,要么是公共事业部门拥有的税收很低的土地 。
17. It is obvious narrative ethics in contemporary literature, the ethics of the narrative on the ethics of freedom of the individual and suppressed narrative, and the ethics of freedom of the individual narrative deviation heroic image of the proletariat in shaping a major dilemma.
很明显当代文学叙事伦理中,人民伦理的大叙事对自由伦理的个体叙事的压抑,及自由伦理的个体叙事的偏失是无产阶级英雄形象塑造中的一大困境 。
18. Seeing the practical dilemma of customs supervision of Chinese processing trade, the author puts forward a new suggestion of supervision model of processing trade-abolishing present model orientated toward quantity of bonded goods, executing new model orientated toward value of bonded goods on the basic of the orientation of processing trade in macro - economic policy system after Chinese entering into WTO.
文章从我国加工贸易海关监管的现实困境出发,结合加工贸易在未来宏观经济政策体系的定位,提出放弃数量监管,实行金额管理作为我国加工贸易保税监管具有普遍适应性的主要模式,并从海关、企业、宏观政策三方面对新模式进行利弊分析,从而在宏观决策层面上论证我国加入WTO现实背景下加工贸易保税监管的监管重心的转变 。
19. dilemma的近义词
19. As a result, the intervenor will be in a dilemma and so we must try to find out the best path to the incentive and the mode of the regulation on the basis of the human nature character of the economic man.
为走出这一困境,必须基于经济人的人性特点探寻对经济人的激励路径和约束方式,科学的国家干预立法必须遵循理性自利主义原则 。
20. Gentleman is in a dilemma, afterwards, gentleman an evening hasnot spoken with me, I act like a spoiled brat, act shamelessly, he
先生左右为难,事后,先生一晚上没跟我说话,我撒娇,耍赖,他也不理我 。
dilemma 词典解释
1. (进退两难的)窘境,困境
A dilemma is a difficult situation in which you have to choose between two or more alternatives.
e.g. He was faced with the dilemma of whether or not to return to his country...
要不要回国,他进退两难 。
e.g. The issue raises a moral dilemma.
这个问题引发了一个道德上的两难抉择 。
dilemma 单语例句dilemma
1. The dilemma Gao faced is one shared by the growing numbers of Chinese people opting for imported food.