decoration decoration的中文意思( 二 )

decoration decoration的中文意思

① In my dream home,I would like to have industrial style.I find it so cool and stylish.I love having brick walls,and all the piping that you can see from the ceiling.And I love open floor concept with big floor-to-celling window.

我理想中的家装风格是工业风 。我觉得它既酷又时髦 。我喜欢砖墙 , 还有那些从天花板上可以看到的管道 。我喜欢开敞的概念 , 从地板到天花板的大窗户 。

②I prefer modern style.I love the idea of simplicity andminimalism.It suits me well.I mean,I&39;m the kind of person who hates clutter.I never stock up on things.I just love simple things and fewer things.

我更喜欢现代风格 。我喜欢简单和极简主义 。它很适合我 。我的意思是 , 我是那种讨厌杂乱的人 。我从不囤积东西 。我喜欢简单的东西和更少的东西 。

③I prefer an ethnic traditional southeast asia decoration.I love colours and like colourful paintings,pictures,flowers,and plants.I also like cozy and inviting spaces with decorations like cushions and area rugs.

我更喜欢东南亚民族传统装饰 。我喜欢色彩 , 喜欢五颜六色的画、照片、花和植物 。我也喜欢放置看起来温馨舒适的靠垫和地毯 。

Do Chinese people like decorating their homes?
decoration decoration的中文意思

①Some do,and some don&39;t,just like everywhere in the world.Some spend a lot of money on buying expensive furniture,decorative arts and paintings;Some don&39;t care too much about how their home looks.For those people,home is just a space where they go and rest.

有些人会 , 有些人不会 , 就像世界上任何地方一样 。有些人花很多钱购买昂贵的家具、装饰艺术和绘画;有些人并不太在乎他们的家看起来怎么样 。对这些人来说 , 家只是一个他们去休息的地方 。

②Yes , Chinese people are very creative and love decorating their homes.Some prefer the traditionl styleand decorate their homes with ethnic,traditional textilesand embroidered tapestry whereas some prefer more modern decor.

是的 , 中国人很有创造力并且热衷于装饰他们的家 。有些人喜欢传统风格 , 用民族传统纺织品和刺绣挂毯装饰他们的家 , 而有些人更喜欢现代的装饰 。

What&39;s your favorite colour when decorating your home?
decoration decoration的中文意思

①I love grey when I decorate my home.It&39;s such an easy colour to use,very neutral,very cozy,and it goes with any other colours.It&39;s just a very friendly colour,I would say.

当我装饰我的家时 , 我喜欢灰色 。这是一种很容易使用的颜色 , 非常中性 , 非常舒适 , 它可以和任何其他颜色搭配 。我得说 , 这是一种非常友好的颜色 。

②I love yellow,beacuse it&39;s my all-time favorite colour.Yellow is a very bright and happy colour,verypositive and vibrant.It lights up the whole room,and it brings energy to people.

我喜欢黄色 , 因为这是我一直以来最喜欢的颜色 。黄色是一种非常明亮和快乐的颜色 , 非常积极和充满活力 。它照亮了整个房间 , 给人们带来了能量 。

③I love all shades of blue,and I love coastal style in home decor.So,I tend to use all kinds of blue when I decorate my home.They&39;re very elegant and soothing at the same time,really calm me down.I just love them.

我喜欢各种色调的蓝色 , 我喜欢沿海风格的家庭装饰 。所以 , 当我装饰我的家时 , 我倾向于使用各种蓝色 。它们既优雅又舒缓 , 能让我平静下来 。我爱死它们了 。

④When decorating my home,my favourite colour is the colour of the sun-yellow as it symbolizes happiness,warmth,energy,and positivity.It brightens everything up and looks amazing,In fact,I have painted one wall in my bedroom.

当装饰我的家时 , 我最喜欢的颜色是太阳黄色 , 因为它象征着幸福、温暖、能量和积极 。它使一切都明亮起来 , 看起来很神奇 , 事实上 , 我已经在我的卧室粉刷了一面墙 。

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