以…命名的英文词组,高中英语词组大全( 九 )

22. do some sightseeing 游览 We're going to do some sightseeing because we like Chinese culture. 我们打算去游览因为我们喜欢中国文化 。
23. face to face 面对面的 Then they come face to face with some teribble men . 然后他们遇到一些坏人 24. fall down 倒下 And let me guess?? then Alice fell down a rabbit hole and went into their strange world! 让我猜猜?? 然后爱丽丝掉进了兔子洞,进入了他 们的奇特的世界 。
25. fall in love with sb. 坠入爱河;相爱 In the end,the captain falls in love with Maria and marries her. 最后,上校爱上了玛莉娅并和她结了婚.
26find out 发现 Let's find out what we can do to save them?? 想 一 想 为了挽救他们我们能做些什么????
27. first of all 首先 First of all,he'll be invited to competitions around the world. 首先,他会被邀请到世界各地参加比赛 。
28. for a time 暂时,一度 He hides and watches for a time, and then suddenly he appears. 他藏起来观看了一段时间,然后突然出现在众人面前 。
29. from time to time 偶尔,有时 In Texas and the southeast, there are storms from time to time in summer and fall. 在得克萨斯和东南部地区,夏天和秋天有 时会有暴风雨 。
30 get a move on 快些,加紧 You can open it! Get a move on! 你 可 以 打开它!快点呀!
31. get angry with 和??生气 I get angry with myself --I should work harder. 我和自己生气,我(觉得自己)应该更加努力的学习.
32. get married 结婚 The girl who catches them will be the next to get married! 接到新娘花束的女孩将是下一个要结婚的人.
33. get off/on 上/下车(船;飞机) Get off the boat at Tower Brigde. 在塔桥处下 船.
34. get on with sb./ sth. 和某人相处????;进展 But I get on well with her. 但是我和她相处得很好 。
35. get up 起床 I got up at half past seven in the morning and have breakfast. 我早晨七点半起床然后吃早餐 。
36. give a concert 开演唱会 He's given concerts all over China and the tickets have always sold out. 他在全国各地举办演唱会,门票总是全部售出 。
37. give a welcome 欢迎 Lao She Teahouse gives a wonderful welcome to everyone from China and from all over the world. 老舍茶馆热情欢迎来自中 国和世界各地的人们 。
38. go around 绕着??运转The Earth is a planet and it goes around the Sun. 地 球是行星,围绕太阳运转 。
39. go away 走开 Did you go away in the summer? 夏天你离开吗?
40. go for a ride 去乘 She decided to go for a ride in the forest. 她 决 定 去森林里骑车 。
41. go home 回家 We go home at half past three. 我们 3 点半回家 。
42. go off 熄灭,离开 Suddenly, all the lights in my house went off. 突然,我 房间的所有灯熄灭了 。
43. go out 外出 You don't like going out in the evening. 你不喜欢晚上出去 。44. grow up 长大 The real Alice grew up. 真的爱丽丝长大了 。
45.have a look at 看???? 一眼 Well, have a look at these photos. 哦,看看这些 照片 。
46. hundreds of?? 数以百计的?? He wrote his first opera at the age of 12 and hundreds of beautiful pieces of music for the classical orchestra. 他在 12 岁时谱写 了第一步歌剧,他还为古典管弦乐队谱写了几百首动听的乐曲 。
47. hurry up 赶快 Hurry up! 赶快.
48. in addition to 除????以外 What did Mozart write in addition to operas? 除歌剧外莫扎特还写了什么?
49. in danger 处于险境,处于危险之中 But it's sad to think about all those animals in danger. 但是想起那些濒危动物来,真让人伤心 。
50. in fact 事实上 In fact, since 1989 Project Hope has built schools all over China. 事实上,从1989 年以来,希望工程已经在全国建了很多所学校 。
51. in informal situations 在非正式场合 In informal situations,people just say "hello" to each other. 在非正式场合,人们只是互相说"你好"(就可以了)