坐井观天的解说,坐井观天出处( 四 )

5.小结:这篇课文是一则寓言,它通过青蛙和小鸟对天的大小的争论,告诉我们一个道理:站得高,才能看得远;看问题,认识事物,站得要高,看得要全面,不然就会像青蛙那样犯了错误还自以为是 。坐井观天,就是指青蛙坐在井里看天,把天看得只有井口那么大 。以后,人们就用“坐井观天”这个成语来形容那些目光狭小、见识短浅,而又自以为是的人 。
1.指名学生分角色朗读课文 。
青蛙坐在( )看天,看到的天不过( )那么大 。小鸟站在( )看天,看到的天( ) 。
3.把课后的字写在田字格里 。
写字提示:比较下面独体字和合体字的偏旁在形体上有什么不同 。


A frog live in a shallow well.
" Look how well off I am here ! " he told a big turtle from the Eastern Ocean. " I can hop along the coping of the well when I go out, and rest by a crevice in the bricks on my return. I can wallow to my heart's content with only my head above water, or stroll ankle deep through soft mud. No crabs or tadpoles can compare with me. I am master of the water and lord of this shallow well, What more cana fellow ask ? Why don't you come here more often to have a good time ? "
Before the turtle from the Eastern Ocean could get his left foot into the well, however, he caught his right calw on something. So he halted and stepped back then began to describe the ocean to the frog.
" It's more than a thousand miles across and more than ten thousand feet deep. In ancient times there were floods nine years out of ten yet the water in the ocean never increased.
And later there were droughts seven years out of eight yet the water in the ocean never grew less. It has remained quite constant throughtout the ages. That is why I like to live in the Eastern Ocean. "
Then the frog in the shallow well was silent and felt a little abashed.