先进制造技术有哪些?世界上最先进的技术在哪些国家?( 七 )

日本(石田) , 电脑多头称重机的发明者和全球最大的计量包装解决方案提供商 , 如今在全球电脑多头组合称重机市场占有70%的份额 。联合利华、达能等产能巨大的跨国食品企业是忠实的支持者 。
【先进制造技术有哪些?世界上最先进的技术在哪些国家?】小企业有大实力——静冈县滨松市不到70名员工开发的3D图形转换软件 。、IBM、西门子、戴姆勒、宝马、福特等重大项目提供支持 。
多年来 , 高精度、高保真度的 3D 数字转跨度转换软件已在波音和雷诺 F1 团队的整个开发周期中使用 。
The world'shot-(9m in , 30m in , 920t in ) newlyand built byHeavyCo., Ltd. into theofb787-9 b787-10 and the777xin thehasthe No. 1 inTheis put into use.
47、Solar sail , etc.
The world's first solar sail(SolarKite) thatandVenus - JAXA.
The world'swavewith thearm span - Japan's LCGT (kagra) (only 2 in thehave a laser dry fold over 3km).
The world'sX-ray freelaser (XFEL)- SACLA at theofand , Japan.
The world'sultra-coldisbuilt by the RCNPof KEK, Osaka , Japan.
of(Co., Ltd.) and Osakahavemade the wish of high-speed ions as theforafor the first time in the world.
Theteam led by prof. of Nihon Kogyotheinput offuel used in laserfor the first time in the world, andtheby laser,it one steptopower.
type ofice,gas(NGH),hasa set ofon "gas" for the first time in the world, and built the world's first NGHship.byhave not onlybut alsoin this field.
Theof the, one of the world's threeITtest and-thefor120 years.
Okanois anmicro-with only 6and aof less than 10 .
, it has100% share of thesteelofforin thefield; in thefield, it is theoffor USand NASA, and thefor laserof the USof; in thefield, using its world's firsttohelp the world'swith atip only 0.02mm come out,forwithno(inthis yearin China).
Heavy , 's , and Highhave aofwiththat run at anspeed (180,000 /hour), but they can only tie forplace in the field of web . The world's-widthpress wasby Japan's TKS (Tokyo ) in 2007, with aof 200,000per hour.
Theof rarein acan judge thelevel of a . Any high,and -edge , , andarefrom rare .
Japan isthe world'sof rare , and its rare earthlevel ranks first in the world. At , theand Japan aretheof ,, big data cloud , and new . These are the focus ofworld . From -edge, we can see what theand Japan are doing now.
Theof big dataareby IBM, , , NTT and . Theand Japan aretheandof theof . At ,half ofhave begun to apply IoT .havebeen the world of Japan, and they are also the focus of thein the .
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