附国内闻名的动画公司大盘点 天津动画公司有哪些( 七 )

works: "Full Time " "Tike"
The 2Dis very , has a, and many works can beon CCTV.isinand hasinand . Now it isinwith , and hasthework of a largeofandfrom( ),"Eros ", "Gun God", etc. In 2017, itwith the"Full-time ". , as well as 2018's "Theof Magic Dao" was also. , due to thein theof "Full-time ", thewasto color.
hasand, but it isto say that it has great. First, the 'sseeksand does notrash . ,withand , localand mediaare weak.
works: "King of the Tomb King" and " "
from mostthatout by doing , Dream Dreamto make3Dsince its .in 2014, thewas co- by Stone Bear, who was the -in-chief of " " at the time, and Yuan , who wasin. In 2016,the trend of tomb ,"The King of the Tomb King", which tells the story of thetombs, tomband tomb . It has been out for 3so far; The sci-fi" " was , which alsoa good . Zhu Meng is one of the rarethat does not have itsin a first- and -tier city. , at theof its , it10angel roundfrom Youzu , and soontens ofoffrom , which shows theof the . It is , and ofitsnot be . I hopecanto shine for thein .
works: "The Stars ", "Happy Town"
A,in 1998.known as, itsYuan Feng was theofArt . After, heChina's firstmusic"I'm Crazy for Songs". Later,toneeds, it wasFochCo., Ltd. in 2006, and in 2011, ita funny and funny"Happy Town". Thethem is no. Until 2015, Fochtheof,the 2D"", " Mage", and the 3D" the Sky"1 ", "The Stars " and so on.
It is worththat Fochoncethe car in " the Sky". In 2017, when theof the well-knownnovel " the Sky" was , the poor, poor, and majorto the plot made Fochto lift its head for a while, and thescore was only 5. 7 . Theof theof " the " alsoto Magic.
, after the 2018of "The Stars", Fochgot goodand broke it back., -style sound , let theshine.it is said that part of theisto other , Foch is stillfor the core part.
At , Foch Films has a largeof , and theis tens ofof Bofin 2018, and theis . At , Foch Films has threeof, , ChinaGroup and Huayi .Foch will carry out morewith the three in the .

附国内闻名的动画公司大盘点  天津动画公司有哪些

对于评级为SSR的公司,我们选择了最客观的最不容易引起争议的条件,那就是收入规模 。动画说到底是一种带有艺术属性的商品,本质上是商品,而商品就要盈利 。即使有好的IP,但是无法持续盈利的话,就没有抗御风险的能力,可能因为一两个决策失误或者一部新片的遇冷而倒下 。
关于收入规模,我以10亿为标杆,公司估值达到10亿,或者出品的动画电影总票房达到10亿,二者实现其一,就是国内实力最强的SSR级动画公司,让我们来看看有哪几家吧 。
创始人田晓鹏的履历十分光鲜,曾担任过大型动画片《西游记》及央视春晚片头的制作等 。1999年,田晓鹏创立了十月文化,在动画业界摸爬滚打了十多年后,于2015通过一部《大圣归来》一鸣惊人,拿下了9.56亿票房,带动了一波动画投资热潮 。但在这波热潮过后,十月文化的产能并没有爆发,一直没有拿出新作品,只是参与了《哪吒:魔童降世》的部分制作 。最新消息是十月文化将在2020年推出动画电影《深海》,2022年推出《大圣归来》的续集《大圣闹天宫》,但受疫情影响,《深海》能否按期上映存疑 。在原创之外,十月文化拿下了超级科幻IP《三体》的真人电影项目 。或许是对新片的进度有所不满,又或许是《三体》项目过于重要,投资方彩条屋影业总裁易巧和总制片人魏芸芸于2020年加盟十月文化,期待在专业管理人才的带领下,十月文化的新片能顺利上映,再次带给观众当初《大圣归来》那般的感动 。
附国内闻名的动画公司大盘点  天津动画公司有哪些
