Harunur Rashid( 四 )

. Rashid, H. & Rodgers, B., Global temperature change: potential impact in the intensity of the Indian Ocean Monsoon, flooding and soil erosion, Regional symposium on climate change and food security in South Asia, organized by the UNEP/WMO/FAO-OSU/DU, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2008.35.Rashid, H., Abrupt North Atlantic Deep Water slowdown coeval to 10,200 year Labrador Sea freshwater discharge, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2008.36.Rashid, H., Impact of mixed-layer deepening and ventilated thermocline for the Meridional overturningcirculation, Paleo Lunch, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, 2008.37. Rashid, H.,Abrupt Climate Change: why it matters to understand the mechanisms, Tennessee Tech University, Nashville, TN, 2008.38. Rashid, H., A 100 ka record of SST variability from the NW Atlantic Ocean based on the Mg/Ca on Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (s), University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 2005. 39. Rashid, H., Quinn, T. M. & Poore, R. Z., Do the Bay of Bengal G. ruber dO data represents the diminishing trend of the Indian Ocean monsoon during the late Holocene? Chapman conference on “Tropical-Extratropical climatic teleconnections; A long-term perspective”, Honolulu, HI, p.50, 2005.40.Rashid, H., Boyle, E. A. & Piper, D. W., Towards understanding of iceberg-rafting during Heinrich events 1 and 2: a west side story, MARUM, University of Bremen, Germany, 2005.