精英教育天花板全球最贵欧洲王室最青睐的国际学校瑞士萝实学院 小班世界之最( 二 )

With Cháteau du Rosey carved into the big stone pillars that stand next to the Majestic iron gates,
this school looks like it was built for kings.
这所学校看起来象是为专国王建造的 。
But the gates are nothing compared to what lies inside.
但与内部相比,大门显得微不足道 。
To ensure that students have fun at their summer campus, Institut Le Rosey has two Olympic sized pools on campus.
为确保学生在暑期玩得开心,萝实学院校园内设有两个奥林匹克规格的游泳池 。
One of them is located indoors and the other is an outdoor pool that students can use during swimming classes or leisure time.
一个是室内泳池,一个是室外游泳,学生可以在游泳课或闲暇时间使用 。
The beautiful pools surrounded by lush greenery make this school look more like a fancy holiday resort than an actual high school.
被郁郁葱葱的绿色植物所包围的美丽泳池使这所学校看起来更象是个豪华度假胜地,而不是高中 。
The libraries and classrooms are huge and equipped with all the latest technologies.
这里的图书馆和教室都很大,且配备所有最新科技 。
If you're a fan of large libraries, you'll be pleased to know that the Le Rosey library has thousands of books in over 20 languages.
如果你喜欢大型图书馆,这消息会让你很兴奋,萝实学院图书馆有超过 20 多种语言的数千本藏书 。
The library also sports designated study areas and discussion rooms for the students to study in.
图书馆还备有指定学习区和讨论室,供学生学习使用 。
In addition to libraries and classrooms, the students also have access to various labs to study the natural sciences.
除了图书馆和教室外,学生还可以使用各种实验室来研究自然科学 。
These labs are also equipped with the best quality materials and technologies.
这些实验室配备最优质的材料及科技 。
With around 150 teachers to monitor and teach 400 students on campus, most classes are usually small,
学院由约 150 名教师监督、教授 400 名学生,大多是小班制 。
so teachers can give individual students more attention.
如此,老师可以给每个学生更多关注 。
Le Rosey really does prepare its students for academic success.
萝实学院确实为学生学业上的成功做好了准备 。
Students at Le Rosey sit in class from 8:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m.
萝实学院的学生从上午 8:30 到中午 12:30 会在教室上课 。
After this, they have a break during which they are served delicious hot chocolate.
之后,会有个休息时间,期间供应美味的热巧克力 。
They resumed their classes after this break and continue taking them until around 3:30.
在休息后,继续课程,上到下午 3:30 左右 。
After this, the students head to the Paul and Henri Carnal Hall.
然后,学生们前往保罗 & 亨利·卡纳尔音乐厅 。
With three orchestras, two choirs, photo studies, and various theater groups,
children can indulge in learning a variety of arts, including dance and gastronomy.
提供学生们沉浸在各种艺术领域的机会,包括舞蹈和美食学 。
This place has clearly been designed specifically for the cultivation of artistic tendencies in the students of Le Rosey.
这个地方显然是专门为培养萝实学院学生艺术发展而设计的 。
Children who display proficiency in playing musical instruments are then made part of the choir.
They are also given the opportunity to perform at Le Rosey Concert Hall.
拥有在萝实学院音乐厅演出的机会 。