梅霆( 二 )

Optoelectronic Devices and Properties, ISBN 978-953-307-204-3, Publisher: InTech, Publish date: April 2011.2. 梅霆、章勇、王金林、郭志友、尹以安 , 《半导体照明技术知识读本》, ISBN978-7-5454-1311-3 , 新兴产业和高新技术知识丛书 , 广东经济出版社, 2012专利1. 梅霆,王乃印 , 李浩 , 万磊 , “一种半导体外延结构及发光器件” , 专利号申请号201210507475.0 , 实质审查中 。2. 梅霆,万磊,王洪朝,郭克芹,杜康,朱凝 , “一种套用压印技术製作硅酮微纳光学结构的方法” , 专利公开(公告)号102707378A,公开(公告)日2012-10-033. Landobasa Yosef Mario A. L. Tobing, Ting Mei, Mee Koy Chin, Ooi Kwen Ong, “Two-ring Optical Buffer”, US Patent 8081852, 20 December, 20114. T. Mei, Anxi Xu, Monghua Xia, Peifu Gu, Xu Liu, Jinfa Tang, "Three-board high effective infrared-cross polarizer", Chinese Patent ZL 921 141440, 1992SCI收录论文1. Zhu, N.;Mei, T., Analysis of an ultra-compact wavelength filter based on hybrid plasmonic waveguide structure, OPTICS LETTERS 37, 1751-1753, 20122. WANG Wei, ZHANG Da-Wei , TAO Chun-Xian, WANG Qi, WANG Wen-Na, HUANG Yuan-Shen, NI Zheng-Ji, ZHUANG Song-Lin, LI Hai-Xia,MEI Ting, Superhydrophilic and Wetting Behavior of TiO2 Films and Their Surface Morphologies, Chin.Phys. Lett. 29 ,  088103 , 20123. Qi Wang, Dawei Zhang, Huiyin Yang, Chunxian Tao, Yuanshen Huang, Songlin Zhuang andTing Mei, Sensitivity of a Label-Free Guided-Mode Resonant Optical Biosensor with Different Modes, Sensors 2012, 12, 9791-97994. Zhao, Qiuji;Mei, Ting*; Zhang, Dao Hua, Elimination of spurious solutions from k.p theory with Fourier transform technique and Burt-Foreman operator ordering, Journal of Applied Physics 111(5), 053702, 20125. Zhang, Yanbing;Mei, Ting*; Zhang, Dao Hua, Temporal coupled-mode theory of ring-bus-ring Mach-Zehnder interferometer, Applied Optics 51(4), 504-508 (2012)6. Su, S. C.; Ling, C. C.; Lu, Y. M.,Mei, T.; Zhao, LZ; Niu, B., The optical properties of high quality ZnO/ZnMgO quantum wells on Si(111) substrates, Solid State Communications 152(4), 311-313 (2012)7. Fu, YH; Liu, AQ; Zhu, WM 1; Zhang, XM; Tsai, DP; Zhang, JB;Mei, T; Tao, JF; Guo, HC; Zhang, XH; Teng, JH; Zheludev, NI; Lo, GQ; Kwong, DL, A Micromachined Reconfigurable Metamaterial via Reconfiguration of Asymmetric Split-Ring Resonators, Advanced Functional Materials 21(18), 3589-3594 (2011)8. Zhao, Qiuji;Mei, Ting*, Analysis of electronic structures of quantum dots using meshless Fourier transform k.p method, Journal of Applied Physics 109(6), 063101(2011)9. Zhao, Q.,Mei, T.*, Zhang, D.H., Kurniawan, O., Analysis of wetting layer effect on electronic structures of truncated-pyramid quantum dots, Optical and Quantum Electronics 42, 705-711 2011. 10. Zhang, Y; Darmawan, S; Tobing, LYM;Mei, T*; Zhang, DH, Coupled resonator-induced transparency in ring-bus-ring Mach-Zehnder interferometer, JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS 28, 28-36,201111. Su Shi-Chen; Lu You-Ming; Mei Ting, Fabrication and optical properties of ZnO/ZnMgO multiple quantum wells on m-sapphire substrates, Acta Physica Sinica 60 (9), 096801, 201112. Mei, T.*; Li, Y. C.; Zhang, H.; Zhu, N.; Zhang, D.H.; Teng, J.H., Gain-assisted propagation of surface plasmon polaritons using electrically-pumped quantum wells as active medium, Optoelectronic Materials and Devices VI, Proceedings of SPIE 8308, 83080Z, 201113. C.G. Feng,T. Mei*, X. Hu, Influence of trapping states at the dielectric-dielectric interface on the stability of organic field-effect transistors with bilayer gate dielectric, Organic Electronics 12, 1304-1313, 201114. Y. Li, H. Zhang,, N. Zhu,T. Mei*, D.H. Zhang, and J.H. Teng , Short-range surface plasmon propagation supported by stimulated amplification using electrical injection, Optics Express 19,22107,2011.15. W.M. Zhu , A.Q. Liu , X.M. Zhang , D.P. Tsai , T. Bourouina , J.H. Teng , X.H. Zhang , H.C. Guo , H. Tanoto,T. Mei, G.Q. Lo, and D.L. Kwong, Switchable Magnetic Metamaterials Using Micromachining Processes, Advanced Materials 21 3589-3594, 2011.16. Hu, Y;Mei, T; Wang, LB; Qian, HS, A Facile and Generic Strategy to Synthesize Large-Scale Carbon Nanotubes, JOURNAL OF NANOMATERIALS , 415940,2010 17. Zhu, WM; Cai, H;Mei, T; Bourouina, T; Tao, JF; Lo, GQ; Kwong, DL; Liu, AQ, A MEMS TUNABLE METAMATERIAL FILTER, MEMS 2010: 23RD IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICRO ELECTRO MECHANICAL SYSTEMS, TECHNICAL DIGEST , 196-199,201018. Feng, CG;Mei, T*; Hu, XA; Pavel, N, A pentacene field-effect transistor with light-programmable threshold voltage, ORGANIC ELECTRONICS 11, 1713-1718,201019. Tu, XG; Ang, SSN; Chew, AB; Teng, JH;Mei, T*, An Ultracompact Directional Coupler Based on GaAs Cross-Slot Waveguide, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 22, 1324-1326,201020. An, YP;Mei, T; Teng, JH; Xu, CD; Wang, YD, Built-in electric field influence on impurity-free vacancy disordering of InGaAs/InP quantum well structure, CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 55, 1363-1366,201021. An, YP; Yang, H;Mei, T; Wang, YD; Teng, JH; Xu, CD, Cap Layer Influence on Impurity-Free Vacancy Disordering of InGaAs/InP Quantum Well Structure, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 27, 17302,201022. Tu, XG; Mario, LY;Mei, T*, Coupled Fano resonators, OPTICS EXPRESS 18, 18820-18831,201023. Darmawan, S; Tobing, LYM;Mei, T*, Coupling-induced phase shift in a microring-coupled Mach-Zehnder interferometer, OPTICS LETTERS 35, 238-240,201024. Hu, Y; Qian, HS; Guo, CF;Mei, T, Decoration of ZnO nanocrystals on the surface of shuttle-shaped Mn2O3 and its magnetic-optical properties, CRYSTENGCOMM 12, 2687-2690,2010 25. Hu, Y; Qian, HS;Mei, T; Guo, J; White, T, Facile synthesis of magnetic metal (Mn, Co, Fe, and Ni) oxide nanosheets, MATERIALS LETTERS 64, 1095-1098,201026. Zhang, XJ; Li, YC; Li, T; Lee, SY; Feng, CG; Wang, LB;Mei, T*, Gain-assisted propagation of surface plasmon polaritons via electrically pumped quantum wells, OPTICS LETTERS 35, 3075-3077,201027. Ke, L; Bin Dolmanan, S; Vijila, C; Chua, SJ; Han, YH;Mei, T, Investigation of the Device Degradation Mechanism in Pentacene-Based Thin-Film Transistors Using Low-Frequency-Noise Spectroscopy, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES 57, 385-390,201028. Du, LP; Zhang, XJ;Mei, T*; Yuan, XC, Localized surface plasmons, surface plasmon polaritons, and their coupling in 2D metallic array for SERS, OPTICS EXPRESS 18, 1959-1965,201029. Zhang, YA; Zhang, XJ;Mei, T*; Fiddy, M, Negative index modes in surface plasmon waveguides: a study of the relations between lossless and lossy cases, OPTICS EXPRESS 18, 12213-12225,201030. Huang, J. Y.; Fan, G. H.; Mei, T.; Zheng, SW; Niu, QL; Li, ST; Zhang, Y, PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF TRANSPARENT CONDUCTIVE Ta-DOPED ITO FILMS BY ELECTRON-BEAM EVAPORATION, Modern Physics Letters B 24(32) , 3089-3095 (2010)31. Yu, YF; Fu, YH; Zhang, XM; Liu, AQ; Bourouina, T;Mei, T; Shen, ZX; Tsai, DP, Pure angular momentum generator using a ring resonator, OPTICS EXPRESS 18, 21651-21662,2010 32. Tobing, LYMAL; Darmawan, S; Lim, DR; Chin, MK;Mei, T*, Relaxation of Critical Coupling Condition and Characterization of Coupling-Induced Frequency Shift in Two-Ring Structures, IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS 16, 77-84,201033. Li, JQ; Zhang, YA;Mei, T*; Fiddy, M, Surface plasmon laser based on metal cavity array with two different modes, OPTICS EXPRESS 18, 23626-23632,201034. Tran, NVQ; Combrie, S; Colman, P; De Rossi, A; Mei, T, Vertical high emission in photonic crystal nanocavities by band-folding design, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 75120,201035. Pan, SS; Li, GH; Wang, LB; Shen, YD; Wang, Y;Mei, T*; Hu, X, Atomic nitrogen doping and p-type conduction in SnO2, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 95, 222112,200936. Xu, CD;Mei, T*, Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma-Enhanced Quantum-Well Intermixing: Cap Layer Effect and Plasma Process Influence, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS 45, 910-916,200937. Lee, SY; Yang, H; Li, YC; Lee, CW;Mei, T*, Integrated twin modulator switches through MMI splitting and electroabsorption modulation, SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 24, 125004,200938. Yuan, GH; Yuan, XC; Zhang, DG; Wang, P; Ming, H;Mei, T, Numerical demonstration of all-optical switching in dielectric-loaded surface plasmon polaritonic crystals with a defect mode, JOURNAL OF OPTICS A-PURE AND APPLIED OPTICS 11, 85005,2009 39. Zhang, DG; Yuan, XC; Bu, J; Yuan, GH; Wang, Q; Lin, J; Zhang, XJ; Wang, P; Ming, H;Mei, T, Surface plasmon converging and diverging properties modulated by polymer refractive structures on metal films, OPTICS EXPRESS 17, 11315-11320,200940. Tan, PS; Yuan, XC; Lin, J; Wang, Q;Mei, T; Burge, RE; Mu, GG, Surface plasmon polaritons generated by optical vortex beams, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 92, 111108,200841. Xu, CD;Mei, T*; Chin, MK; Dong, JR; Chua, SJ, Built-in electric field enhancement/retardation on intermixing, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 91, 181111,200742. Xu, CD;Mei, T*; Dong, JR, Determination of diffusion lengths for intermixed quaternary quantum well with polarized edge-emitting photoluminescence, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 90, 191111,200743. Mei, T*, Fourier transform-based k·p method of semiconductor superlattice electronic structure, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 102, 53708,200744. Mei, T*, Interpolation of quaternary III-V alloy parameters with surface bowing estimations, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 101, 13520,200745. Hu, Y; Jiang, ZM; Xu, CD;Mei, T*; Guo, J; White, T, Monodisperse ZnO nanodots: Synthesis, charaterization, and optoelectronic properties, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 111, 9757-9760,200746. Mei, T*; Li, H; Karunasiri, G; Fan, WJ; Zhang, DH; Yoon, SF; Yuan, KH, Normal incidence silicon doped p-type GaAs/AlGaAs quantum-well infrared photodetector on (111)A substrate, INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY 50, 119-123,2007 47. Hu, Y;Mei, T*; Guo, J; White, T, Temperature-triggered self-assembly of ZnO: from nanocrystals to nanorods to tablets, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 46, 11031-11035,200748. Nie, D;Mei, T*; Djie, HS; Chin, MK; Tang, XH; Wang, YX, Analysis of inductively coupled argon plasma-enhanced quantum-well intermixing process for multiple bandgap implementation, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 288, 32-35,200649. Nie, D;Mei, T*; Tang, XH; Chin, MK; Djie, HS; Wang, YX, Argon plasma exposure enhanced intermixing in an undoped InGaAsP/InP quantum-well structure, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 100, 46103,200650. Nie, D;Mei, T*; Xu, CD; Dong, JR, Halftoning band gap of InAs/InP quantum dots using inductively coupled argon plasma-enhanced intermixing, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 89, 131103,200651. Nie, D;Mei, T*; Djie, HS; Ooi, BS; Zhang, XH, Improving crystal quality of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots by inductively coupled Ar plasma, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 88, 251102,200652. Li, H;Mei, T*; Zhang, DH; Fan, WJ; Yoon, SF; Loke, WK, Infrared absorption and current-voltage characteristic of GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells on GaAs (111)A substrate grown by solid source molecular beam epitaxy, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 288, 36-39,200653. Tang, XH; Zhang, BL; Bo, BX;Mei, T; Chin, MK, MOVPE growth of Al-free 808 nm high power lasers using TBP and TBA in pure N-2 ambient, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 288, 23-26,2006 54. Djie, HS;Mei, T, Plasma-induced quantum well intermixing for the universal high-density photonic integration, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 288, 49-52,200655. Lee, CW; Nie, D;Mei, T; Chin, MK, Study and optimization of room temperature inductively coupled plasma etching of InP using Cl-2/CH4/H-2 and CH4/H-2, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 288, 213-216,200656. Cheah, WK; Fan, WJ; Tan, KH; Yoon, S; Zhang, DH;Mei, T; Liu, R; Wee, ATS, Characterizations of InzGa1-zAs1-x-yNxSbyP-i-N structures grown on GaAs by molecular beam epitaxy, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS 16, 301-307,200557. Tang, XH; Zhao, JH; Chin, MK;Mei, T; Yin, ZY; Deny, S; Du, AY, Effect of rapid thermal annealing on the ordering of AlInP grown by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 87, 181906,200558. Djie, HS;Mei, T; Arokiaraj, J, GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well intermixing using high-density argon plasma, SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 20, 244-249,200559. Li, H;Mei, T*; Karunasiri, G; Fan, WJ; Zhang, DH; Yoon, SF; Yuan, KH, Growth of p-type GaAs/AlGaAs(111) quantum well infrared photodetector using solid source molecular-beam epitaxy, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 98, 54905,200560. Nie, D;Mei, T*; Djie, HS; Chin, MK; Tang, XH; Wang, YX, Implementing multiple band gaps using inductively coupled argon plasma enhanced quantum well intermixing, JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B 23, 1050-1053,2005 61. Cheah, WK; Fan, WJ; Yoon, SF; Ng, TK; Loke, WK; Zhang, DH;Mei, T; Liu, R; Wee, ATS, Investigation of N incorporation in InGaAs and GaAs epilayers on GaAs using solid source molecular beam epitaxy, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 275, 440-447,200562. Touse, MP; Karunasiri, G; Lantz, KR; Li, H;Mei, T, Near- and mid-infrared detection using GaAs/InxGa1-xAs/InyGa1-yAs multiple step quantum wells, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 86, 93501,200563. Djie, HS;Mei, T*, Plasma-induced quantum well intermixing for monolithic photonic integration, IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS 11, 373-382,200564. Djie, HS; Ho, CKF;Mei, T; Ooi, BS, Quantum well intermixing enhancement using Ge-doped sol-gel derived SiO2 encapsulant layer in InGaAs/InP laser structure, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 86, 81106,200565. Ng, TK; Djie, HS; Yoon, SF;Mei, T, Thermally induced diffusion in GaInNAs/GaAs and GaInAs/GaAs quantum wells grown by solid source molecular beam epitaxy, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 97, 13506,200566. Sookdhis, C;Mei, T; Djie, HS, Wavelength monitoring with low-contrast multimode interference waveguide, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 17, 822-824,200567. Neuzil, P;Mei, T, A method of suppressing self-heating signal of bolometers, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL 4, 207-210,200468. Djie, HS;Mei, T; Arokiaraj, J; Sookdhis, C; Yu, SF; Ang, LK; Tang, XH, Experimental and theoretical analysis of argon plasma-enhanced quantum-well intermixing, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS 40, 166-174,2004 69. Li, H;Mei, T*; Lantz, KP; Karunasiri, G, Growth of InGaAsP based asymmetric quantum well infrared photodetector using metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 96, 6799-6802,200470. Djie, HS;Mei, T; Arokiaraj, J, Improvement in spatial resolution of plasma-enhanced quantum-well intermixing by stress-inducing dielectric mask, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 85, 3008-3010,200471. Arokiaraj, J; Djie, HS;Mei, T, Investigations on the blue-shift phenomena in argon plasma intermixed InGaAs/InGaAsP quantum well structures, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 237, 256-260,200472. Zhao, JH; Tang, XH;Mei, T; Zhang, BL; Huang, GS, MOCVD growth of InGaAsP/InGaAs multi-step-quantum well structure for QWIP application by using TBA and TBP in N2ambient, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 268, 432-436,200473. Zhang, BL; Tang, XH; Huang, GS;Mei, T; Zhu, JY; Li, H, Morphology and optical properties of GaAs layers grown on (111)A GaAs substrates in N2ambient by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS 15, 283-286,200474. Djie, HS;Mei, T; Arokiaraj, J; Nie, D, Single step quantum well intermixing with multiple band gap control for III-V compound semiconductors, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 96, 3282-3285,200475. Wang, JM; Liu, WG;Mei, T, The effect of thermal treatment on the electrical properties of titanium nitride thin films by filtered arc plasma method, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 30, 1921-1924,2004 76. Mei, T*; Djie, HS; Aroklaraj, J; Sookdhis, C, Understanding the inductively coupled argon plasma-enhanced quantum well intermixing, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 268, 384-388,200477. Djie, HS; Arokiaraj, J;Mei, T, Inductively coupled argon plasma enhanced quantum well intermixing in InGaAs/InGaAsP laser structure, COMPOUND SEMICONDUCTORS 2002 174, 45-48,200378. Djie, HS; Arokiaraj, J;Mei, T; Tang, XH; Ang, LK; Leong, D, Large blueshift in InGaAs/InGaAsP laser structure using inductively coupled argon plasma-enhanced quantum well intermixing, JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B 21, L1-L4,200379. Sookdhis, C;Mei, T; Djie, HS; Arokiaraj, J, Passive wavelength monitor based on multimode interference waveguide, OPTICAL ENGINEERING 42, 3421-3422,200380. Djie, HS;Mei, T; Arokiaraj, J, Photoluminescence enhancement by inductively coupled argon plasma exposure for quantum-well intermixing, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 83, 60-62,200381. Mei, T*; Neuzil, P; Karunasiri, G; Zeng, W, Approach to measure thermal efficiency of bolometer sensors, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 80, 2183-2185,200282. Zhang, DH; Sun, L; Yoon, SF; Kam, CH; Fan, WJ;Mei, T, Characterization of GalnAsP/InP multiple quantum wells grown by solid source MBE for long wavelength infrared detection, ADVANCED MATERIALS AND DEVICES FOR SENSING AND IMAGING 4919, 75-82,2002 83. Neuzil, P;Mei, T, Evaluation of thermal parameters of bolometer devices, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 80, 1838-1840,200284. Djie, HS;Mei, T; Arokiaraj, J; Thilakan, P, High-density plasma enhanced quantum well intermixing in InGaAs/InGaAsP structure using argon plasma, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 2-LETTERS 41, L867-L869,200285. Fan, WJ; Sun, L; Yoon, SF; Zhang, DH; Wang, SZ;Mei, T; Lee, PL, Intersubband absorption in GaInNAs/GaAsN quantum wells, COMMAD 2002 PROCEEDINGS , 455-457,200286. Mei, T*; Djie, HS; Sookdhis, C; Arokiaraj, J, Low-loss waveguide fabrication using inductively coupled argon plasma enhanced quantum well intermixing in InP quantum well sample, COMMAD 2002 PROCEEDINGS , 311-314,200287. Li, J; Zhang, XM; Liu, AQ; Zhang, QX;Mei, T, A micromachined variable optical attenuator (VOA), APOC 2001: ASIA-PACIFIC OPTICAL AND WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS: OPTICAL SWITCHING AND OPTICAL INTERCONNECTION 4582, 112-120,200188. Mei, T*; Karunasiri, G, Investigation on two-color detection using asymmetric InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs multiquantum wells with superlattice barriers, APOC 2001: ASIA-PACIFIC OPTICAL AND WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS: OPTOELECTRONICS, MATERIALS, AND DEVICES FOR COMMUNICATIONS 4580, 232-242,200189. He, X; Karunasiri, G;Mei, T; Zeng, WJ; Neuzil, P; Sridhar, U, Performance of microbolometer focal plane arrays under varying pressure, IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS 21, 233-235,2000 90. Xu, SJ; Chua, SJ;Mei, T; Wang, XC; Zhang, XH; Karunasiri, G; Fan, WJ; Wang, CH; Jiang, J; Wang, S; Xie, XG, Characteristics of InGaAs quantum dot infrared photodetectors, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 73, 3153-3155,199891. Chua, SJ; Xu, SJ; Zhang, XH; Wang, XC;Mei, T; Fan, WJ; Wang, CH; Jiang, J; Xie, XG, Polarization dependence of intraband absorption in self-organized quantum dots, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 73, 1997-1999,199892. Mei, T; Karunasiri, G; Chua, SJ, Two-color infrared detection using intersubband transitions in multiple step quantum wells with superlattice barriers, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 71, 2017-2019,199793. Li, HF; Gu, PF; Liu, X;Mei, T; Tang, J.F.,A Study of CdS/CdSe-LCLV for Large Screen Displays, Current Developments in Optical Design and Optical Engineering III Proceedings of SPIE 2000, 101-108, 199394. Mei, T; Xia, MH; Gu, PF, A Visible-to-infrared Dynamic Image Converting System with a Liquid Crystal Light Valve, Infrared Technology XIX Proceedings of SPIE 2020, 541-548, 199395. Mei, T; Liu X; Tang, JF; Gu, P.F., Study of TEM Micrograph of Thin-Film Cross-Section Replica using Spectral-Analysis, Speckle Techniques, Birefringence Methods, and Applications to Solid Mechanics, PTS A & B, Proceedings of SPIE 1554, 570-578, 1991