鹿晗演唱会又破吉尼斯纪录:哪些欧美大咖的演唱会万人空巷? 鹿晗有吉尼斯记录吗英文( 二 )

代表作:What Makes You Beautiful
One Direction is the first touring artist in 2014 to break the $200 million sales barrier based on revenue reported from the European and North American legs of its Where We Are world tour. The ticket sales from the tour total $230 million from more than 2.7 million sold tickets at 53 sold out concerts.
基于《我们在哪里》世界巡演在美国和欧洲的收入,单向乐队成为2014年首位巡演票房破2000万的巡演艺人 。单向乐队巡演53场,总收入超过2.3亿美元,门票销售量超过27万张 。
虽然Zayn Malik退团,但小破团剩下的四位帅哥们的撩妹能力依旧不减啊!!!期待四位帅哥可以来中国内地巡演 。
代表作:Bad Romance
The Monster Ball Tour was the second worldwide concert tour by Lady Gaga. The tour was announced in October 2009. The Monster Ball was a commercial success, with sold-out shows and demand for tickets prompting organizers to add more dates to the itinerary. It ultimately grossed an estimated US$227.4 million from 200 reported shows and an audience of 2.5 million.
“怪兽舞会”巡演是嘎嘎小姐的第二次世界巡演 。巡演消息于2009年10月公布 。“怪兽舞会”巡演取得了极大的商业成功 。由于门票供不应求,主办人不得不延长巡演日期 。此次巡演举办200场,吸引观众人数高达250万,并最终取得约2.274亿美元的票房 。
嘎嘎小姐虽然近几年少有力作,但当初的热度可是无人能及哦 。而且据说,今年获得金球奖的嘎嘎小姐可能会发新专辑哦 。希望嘎嘎小姐的下次巡演可以来到我大天朝啦!!!
The Prismatic World Tour was the third concert tour by Katy Perry. The tour began on May 7, 2014 in Belfast, Northern Ireland at the Odyssey Arena, concluding on October 18, 2015 in Alajuela, Costa Rica. The Prismatic World Tour grossed more than $204.3 million from 149 shows with a total attendance of 1,984,503 and it is Perry's most successful tour to date.
“棱镜”世界巡演是凯蒂·佩里第三次巡演.此次巡演于2014年5月7日在北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特的奥得赛演艺中心开始,于2015年10月18日在哥斯达黎加的阿拉胡埃拉结束 。“棱镜巡演”共举办149场,观众人数为1984503人次,票房收入高达2.043亿美元 。这也是凯蒂·佩里目前为止最成功的一次巡演 。
水果姐发专辑的速度是出了名的慢,不过质量一直都很高 。而且水果姐对中国粉丝宠爱有加,不仅在中国连续开了多场演唱会,还在演唱会上和歌迷亲密互动,尽显亲民范 。
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