Jackley( 二 )


很多人发出:what kind of kiss is that ?多这样回答:I really think that they have a crush on each other. It's a Love kiss!4,私下里关係密切杰克逊拉恩和阿什利格林私下里常被拍到一起约会还一起出门买咖啡


冬粉疯狂1,冬粉们热切地讨论两人的关係有外国冬粉发出这样的问题:Does Jackson Rathbone of Twilight have a girlfriend译文:《暮色》中的杰克逊·拉斯波恩是否有女朋友?回答者这样说: There has been alot of rumors centered around him having a long term relationship with producer's daughter Rachel Curtis, but both have stated many times that they are just good friends and have never had a long term relationship. As well, in a recent interview with the Twilight Lexicon, when asked if he was in a relatioship, he stated "I'm single and loving it." As well in a Q&A with Vanity Fair magazine he he was asked the same question, he answered, "She is beautiful...she is quiet...she is also a guitar," reffering to his acoustic guitar Annabelle. But the biggest rumors are around his relationship with Twilight co-star Ashley Greene. In interviews he often reffered to her as his, "Wife." as their characters are married. In another twilight Q&A a fan asked, "If you could be any other character who would you be?" and he replied, "Nowone, I have this beautiful wife." he then proceeded to kiss Ashley. As well, they have been reported to always been together on set, hugging and holding hands with one another. We can see this is fact by the interviews.AND ELIZABETH, just because he's an actor, that doesnt mean you can't get to him. nothings impossible译文:有谣言说他与《暮色》製片人的女儿雷切尔柯蒂斯长期合作,但都多次表示,他们是很好的朋友,从未有过长期合作关係 。另外,在最近的一次採访时问他是否在她相处,他说:“我是单身,热爱它 。”以及在一Q&A与名利场杂誌,有人问他同样的问题,他回答说:“她是美丽的... ...她很安静,她也是一把吉他 。他的吉他的确有个女孩子的名字——Annabelle 。但最大的传言是他与《暮光之城》联合主演阿什利格林尼的关係 。在採访中,他常常被称为他的“妻子”因为他们在戏中结婚了 。在另一次的採访中被问:“有机会重新选角色的话你要当谁?”他回答说:“不变,不变,我有这幺一美艳的夫人呢 。”说完他就亲了阿什丽一下 。而且,他和Ashley 经常被拍到一块儿亲密约会!一次在《暮色》的採访中他说“I'm single and loving it.”我是单身,我挺满意的 。还有伊莉莎白,仅仅因为他是一个演员,这也不代表你不能给他 。没有任何事情是不可能2,冬粉们还为其製作的大量的亲密图楼的视频作品
