波士顿大学( 五 )


波士顿大学校园风光TOEFL单科最低要求:College of Arts & Sciences, School of Education, College of Engineering, College of Fine Arts, School of Hospitality Administration, and College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College:Writing: 21Speaking: 21Reading: 21Listening: 21College of Communication, College of General Studies and School of Management:Writing: 22Speaking: 23Reading: 25Listening: 21;或PBT成绩600分以上GPA:3.0以上SAT Reasoning test 1770-2050 (50%)体格健康 , 成绩良好 , 品学兼优留学费用【学费】USD56,000/年;【生活费】USD12,003/年【申请费】本科生$80/研究生$85【奖学金信息】本科生奖学金比例:42%本科生平均奖学金:26778国际学生获奖学金比例:13%研究生申请条件开学时间:每年1月、8月

波士顿大学校园风光IELTS:7.0【工程学院、公共卫生学院:6.0;教育学院:6.5(对外英语教学7.0);社会服务学院:6.5;科学与艺术研究院、管理学院、法学院(法学硕士):7.0】 TOEFL分数要求:84.0-100.0(依专业不同而定)TOEFL单科要求:College of Arts & Sciences, School of Education, College of Engineering, College of Fine Arts, School of Hospitality Administration, and College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College:Writing: 22Speaking: 23Reading: 21Listening: 18College of Communication, College of General Studies and School of Management:Writing: 22Speaking: 23Reading: 25Listening: 21研究生学费:USD25,490/学期录取标準波士顿大学对所有国籍的申请者 , 只要符合学院要求 , 都可以录取 。但由于北美各大学在最近的录取中 , 实行了新托福网考成绩(新托福满分为120分 , 分为口语、听力、阅读和写作四部分 , 各部分满分为30分) , 波士顿大学对本科申请者的新托福分数要求为91分 , 也就是说相于笔考老托福的550~587分 。对硕士申请者要求GPA3.0以上 , 新托福IBT100分以上 , GRE1650分 , GMAT650分 。最新录取2018年本科新生录取信息申请人数:64473录取率:22%预估入学人数:3300平均托福分数:106平均雅思分数:7.7平均SAT分数:1468平均ACT分数:32平均GPA:A-录取学生高中排名:Top 7%学生评价What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?There's jokes--the hockey players, basketball players, crew guys, rugby guys, etc. There's also hipsters, which are usually belong the "CFA kids" category. There's frat guys and sorority girls. Definitely some nerds. The stereotypes are usually pretty accurate. People fit their part, but blend into the whole all the same. BU does have many different groups of different type of people, but I feel like everyone mixes in really well. And as far as a general stereotype for just a BU Student, I can't really say that there is one, because everyone seems so unique. 体育竞技该校篮球校队与其他八所位于新英格兰地区、纽约州及马里兰州的大学共同属于“美东联盟”(America East Conference); 冰球校队属于“冰球东部协会”(Hockey East Association);并参与“北美十三州体育协会”(Colonial Athletic Association)及“东部大学体育联盟”(Eastern College Athletic Conference)等约十种男女室内外体育竞赛 , 包括足球、垒球、曲棍球、赛艇、户外赛跑、游泳等 。正式参与竞赛等级均属美国“全国大学体育协会”(National Collegiate Athletic Association)第一级(Division I) 。

波士顿大学吉祥物2009年 , 男子冰球校队赢得全国总冠军 。校队主色是猩红色 , 暱称为“梗犬”(Terriers) , 吉祥物名唤“瑞德”(Rhett) , 是条项圈带刺、叉手咧嘴的小猎犬 。“瑞德”命名的灵感 , 来自美国1930年代畅销小说《飘》(Gone With the Wind)中的经典名句:“世上再没人比瑞德更爱思嘉了 。”(No one loves Scarlet more than Rhett.) 。书中女主角郝思嘉(Scarlet O'Hara)的名字 , 恰与猩红色英文同字;而“瑞德”即源自男主角白瑞德(Rhett Butler)的名字 。国际合作2005年 , 波士顿大学钱卓教授和华东师大林龙年博士合作 , 首次破译了大脑记忆密码 。