温兆银( 三 )

Energy and Environmental Science, 4 (11), pp. 4727-4734. (被引用 191 次)Highly dispersed sulfur in ordered mesoporous carbon sphere as a composite cathode for rechargeable polymer Li/S battery(2011) Journal of Power Sources, 196 (7), pp. 3655-3658. (被引用 149 次)A nano-structured and highly ordered polypyrrole-sulfur cathode for lithium-sulfur batteries(2011) Journal of Power Sources, 196 (16), pp. 6951-6955. (被引用 143 次)Effects of dopant on the electrochemical performance of Li4Ti5O12 as electrode material for lithium ion batteries(2007) Journal of Power Sources, 165 (1), pp. 408-412. (被引用 138 次) Improving the electrochemical performance of Li4Ti5O12/Ag composite by an electroless deposition method(2007) Electrochimica Acta, 52 (11), pp. 3704-3708. (被引用 113 次)Preparation, structural characterization, and electrochemical properties of chemically modified mesoporous carbon(2006) Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 96 (1-3), pp. 357-362. (被引用 101 次)


