2022六级作文题目 六级作文题目( 二 )

For this part, you are30to write an essayon the“Help , and you will bewhen you are in need.” You can citetoyour views. Youwrite at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
With theandof the , ourhas paid greatona. To my way of , it needs the jointof everytothis great goal.
As ain the world for many of its , ourhave beenhelpthe . Just as thegoes: “Help , and you will bewhen you are in need.” To put it , those who areready to helpwillget a lot more back when they are in need of help, forin this world is .once you wereby a warm- , you wouldfeel . Next time whenelse is in need of the same help as you, will you stand by and do ?not!
I do hope that every one of us can bear in mind thatthan words. After all, it issaid than done. Only byofhelp, can ourbe full of love andmore .
随着社会的发展和进步,我国政府非常重视构建和谐社会 。在我看来,这需要每个公民的共同努力来实现这个伟大的目标 。
作为一个以许多美德闻名于世的国家,中国人民自古以来就践行着互帮互助的精神 。正如谚语所说:“帮助别人,你会在需要的时候得到帮助 。”简单地说,那些总是准备帮助别人的人肯定会得到更多的回报,当他们需要帮助时,因为在这个世界上的一切都是相互的 。假如你曾经得到一个热心人的帮助,你一定会感到感激 。下次当别人需要和你一样的帮助时,你会袖手旁观吗?绝对不是!
我希望我们每个人都能记住,行动胜于语言 。毕竟,说起来容易做起来难 。只有通过实践互助的实际行动,我们的社会才能充满爱,变得更加和谐 。
For this part, you are30to write an essayon the“Seek to, and you will be .” You can citetoyour views. Youwrite at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
There is agoing like this, “Seek to, and you will be .”as theis, its. From my , the real sense of thelies in.
One of thethatis so vital is that it forms the basis of alland .two or moreto be ,and , so thatand acan be found. This is trueoftheis,or even . For , the US andmay not see eye to eye on every issue, but they have been able to put aside theirand forge aandby their. We may not fully agree with other ’sor . , bythetheir words and , we can learn to “being ”so thatare .
, for those who wish to build,with ,andwithis not only , but .
谚语有云,“寻求理解他人,你就会被理解” 。虽然这个谚语很简单,但是其内涵值得探索 。在我看来,这个谚语的真正含义在于相互理解 。
相互理解如此关键的原因之一是它是所有友谊和各种关系的基础 。相互理解使得两方或多方已有的分歧被认可、接受和尊重,因此共同的立场和观点也得以形成 。这一点不管是对个人之间还是公司间还是国家间的关系都是适用的 。比如说美国和英国政府可能并不是每个问题上都意见完全一致,但他们可以放下分歧,在共同的价值观基础上形成友谊和联盟 。我们可能不完全同意他人的观点或信念 。不过通过了解他们言论和行为背后的原因,我们可以学着“表达不同意见,但仍保持友善态度”,从而避免争吵 。
因此,对于那些希望建立长久关系,防止跟他人冲突的人来说,寻求并获得与他人相互理解不仅是重要的,而且是必要的 。
you are asked to giveontoat home or , write an essay to state your . You areto write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
Inyears, anofto, while some,or not, stillgoing toat home as their first . It isthat thishas been theof many . From myof view, to studyhas bothand .