布鲁斯·格林伍德个人资料简介布鲁斯·格林伍德家庭背景图片资( 二 )

意外的春天/莫失莫忘......The Sweet Hereafter (1997)
我有两个爸......Fathers' Day(1997)...Bob Andrews...Billy
Dream Man (1995) ...Tom Cavanaugh
Naomi & Wynonna: Love Can Build a Bridge (1995) ...Larry Strickland
Nowhere Man (1995) ...Thomas Veil (25 episodes, 1995-1996)
性感俱乐部......Exotica (1994) ...Francis Brown
情郎情狼......Bitter Vengeance(1994)...Jack Westford
狂情生化人......Companion, The (1994) ...Geoffrey
荒野追缉......Rio Diablo (1993) ...Jervis Walker
Adrift (1993) ...Nick Terrio
巡弋悍将/乘客......Passenger 57 (1992) ...Stuart Ramsey
Servants of Twilight, The (1991) ...Charlie Harrison
Summer Dreams: The Story of the Beach Boys (1990) ...Dennis Wilson
野兰花......Wild Orchid(1990)...Jerome McFarland
密杀令......Spy (1989) ...Richard Berk
Pursuit (1989) ...SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer Helmut von Schraeder/Daniel Grossman
每一次机会......Another Chance (1989) ...John Ripley
In the Line of Duty: The F.B.I. Murders (1988) ...Agent Jerry Dove
Jake and the Fatman (1987) ...Carson Warfield (2 episodes, 1987)
我爱比基尼......The Malibu Bikini Shop(1986) ...Todd
Danger Bay (1984) ...Jeff Storey / ... (2 episodes, 1986)
第一滴血......First Blood (1982) ...Guardsman #5
波城杏话......St. Elsewhere(1982)
熊胆壮士岛......Bear Island(1979) ...Technician
Huckleberry Finn and His Friends (1979) ...Bob Grangerford (3 episodes, 1980)