布鲁斯·威利斯个人资料简介布鲁斯·威利斯家庭背景图片资料( 二 )

1998年,布鲁斯-威利斯出演了斥巨资拍摄的《世界末日》(“Armageddon”),这部电影取得了较高的票房收入,并使他作为动作明星的声望达到了巅峰 。这以后,布鲁斯-威利斯选择了一部规模较小的影片,1999年他出演了库尔特-冯内格特的筹划已久的《冠军的早餐》(“Breakfast of Champions”) 。同年,他主演的低成本影片《第六感》成为当年票房和影评的双料大赢家 。他2000年最新的影片包括《整九码》《小孩》和正在拍摄的《坚不可摧》等 。
除了拍电影以外,威利斯也录制了一张音乐CD,制作了一部电影和一场儿童展览,同时还和史泰龙、施瓦辛格等合开了著名的“好莱坞明星”酒店 。1987年威利斯与女演员黛米-摩尔结婚,膝下有三个孩子 。上周,他们结束了13年的婚姻,正式离婚 。此前,他们已于1998年分居,但仍住在爱达荷州黑利市的一所价值600万美元的寓所中,和三个还在上学的女儿住在一起 。
【 作品列表】
1.《虎胆龙威4:虚拟危机》Live Free or Die Hard AS …… John McClane (2007)
2.《农民宇航员》The Astronaut Farmer (2007)
3.《完美陌生人》Perfect Stranger AS …… Harrison Hill (2007)
4.Morgan's Summit AS …… (attached) (2007)
5.《篱笆墙外》Over the Hedge AS …… RJ (voice) (2006)
6.《勇闯16街区》16 Blocks AS …… Jack Mosley (2006)
7.HBO First Look Over the Hedge: Off the Strip & Onto the Screen AS …… Himself (2006)
8.Friday Night with Jonathan Ross Episode #10.13 AS …… Himself (2006)
9.Cannes 2006: Crónica de Carlos Boyero AS …… Himself (archive footage) (2006)
10.Late Show with David Letterman Episode dated 17 May 2006 AS …… Himself (2006)
11.The Early Show Episode dated 22 May 2006 AS …… Himself (2006)
12.Al Pacino: An American Cinematheque Tribute AS …… Himself (2006)
13.Grand journal de Canal+, Le Episode dated 20 May 2006 AS …… Himself (2006)
14.Black Water Transit AS …… Earl Pike (2006)
15.《火线对峙》Hostage AS …… Jeff Talley (2005)
16.《罪恶之城》Sin City AS …… Hartigan (2005)
17.Wildwood Days AS …… Himself (2005)
18.Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope AS …… Himself (2005)
19.《阿尔法狗》Alpha Dog AS …… Sonny Truelove (2005)
20.《幸运数字斯莱文》Lucky Number Slevin AS …… Mr. Goodkat (2005)
21.Shelter from the Storm: A Concert for the Gulf Coast AS …… Himself (2005)
22.《十二罗汉》Ocean's Twelve AS …… Himself (uncredited) (2004)
23.《整十码》The Whole Ten Yards AS …… Jimmy (2004)
24."Retrosexual: The 80's" AS …… Himself (archive footage) (2004)
25.Geschichte des erotischen Films, Die AS …… (archive footage) (2004)
26.MTV Video Music Awards 2004 AS …… Himself (2004)
27.'Pulp Fiction' on a Dime: A 10th Anniversary Retrospect AS …… (archive footage) (2004)
28.Genius: A Night for Ray Charles AS …… Himself (2004)
29.《太阳之泪》Tears of the Sun AS …… Lt. A.K. Waters (2003)
30.《原野小兵兵》Rugrats Go Wild! AS …… Spike (voice) (2003)
31.《霹雳娇娃2》Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle AS …… William Rose Bailey (uncredited) (2003)
32.Hollywood Celebrates Denzel Washington: An American Cinematheque Tribute AS …… Himself (2003)
33.2002 ABC World Stunt Awards AS …… Himself (2002)
34.True West AS …… Lee (2002)
35.《完美盗贼》Bandits AS …… Joseph 'Joe' Blake (2001)
36.《哈特之战》Hart's War AS …… Col. William A. McNamara (2001)
37.Grand Champion AS …… CEO (2001)
38.《扭转未来》The Kid AS …… Russell Duritz (2000)
39.《整九码》The Whole Nine Yards AS …… Jimmy 'The Tulip' Tudeski (2000)
40.《惊心动魄》Unbreakable AS …… David Dunn (2000)