名字颂,欢乐颂女演员名字( 二 )

At nature's breast.
Just and unjust
Alike taste of her gift ;
She gave us kisses and the fruit of the vine,
A tried friend to the end.
Even the worm can fell contentment,
And the cherub stands before God !
Gladly, like the heavenly bodies
Which He set on their courses
Through the splendour of the firmament ;
Thus, brothers, you should run your race,
As a hero going to conquest.
You millions, I embrace you.
This kiss is for all the world !
Brothers, above the starry canopy
There must dwell a loving Father.
Do you fall in worship, you millions ?
World, do you know your Creator ?
Seek Him in the heavens !
Above the stars must He dwell.


song of joy欢乐颂
作曲: L. Beethoven贝多芬
作词: Albert Hammond 艾伯特·汉曼特
欢乐女神, 圣洁美丽, 灿烂光芒照大地 。我们心中充满热情, 来到你的圣殿里 。你的力量, 能使人们, 消除一切分歧 。在你光辉照耀下面, 人们团结成兄弟 。你的力量, 能使人们, 消除一切分歧 。在你光辉照耀下面, 人们团结成兄弟 。
Come! Sing a song of joy for peace shall come, my brother! Sing! Sing a song of joy for men shall love each other! That day will dawn just as sure as hearts that are pure, are hearts set free. No man must stand along with outstretched hands before him. Reach out and take them in yours with love that endures forever more. Then sing a song of joy for love and understanding. Come! Sing a song of joy of freedom! Tell the story! Sing! Sing a song of joy for mankind in his glory! One mighty voice that will bring a sound that will ring forever more. Then sing a song of joy for love and understanding. Come! Sing a song of joy of freedom! Tell the story! Sing! Sing a song of joy for mankind in his glory! One mighty voice that will bring a sound that will ring forever more. Then sing a song of joy for love and understanding. Sing! Sing a song of joy for mankind in his glory!

《欢乐颂》是由东阳正午阳光影视有限公司、山东影视制作有限公司联合出品的都市职场女性剧,由侯鸿亮制片,孔笙、简川訸执导,袁子弹编剧,刘涛、蒋欣、王子文、杨紫、乔欣、祖峰、王凯、靳东等共同出演 。
该剧改编自阿耐的同名小说,讲述了同住在欢乐颂小区22楼的五个来自不同家庭、性格迥异的女孩们,从陌生到熟悉再道互相体谅、互相帮助、共同成长的故事 。