全球历史总票房,全球历史票房排行榜( 四 )

75 天地大冲撞 / Deep Impact 1998 $349,500,000 $140,464,664 $209,000,000
76 火拼时速2 / Rush Hour 2 2001 $347,400,000 $226,164,286 $121,200,000
77 风中奇缘 / Pocahontas 1995 $347,200,000 $141,579,773 $205,600,000
78 美国美人 / American Beauty 1999 $347,100,000 $130,096,601 $226,200,000
79 明日帝国 / Tomorrow Never Dies 1997 $346,600,000 $125,304,276 $221,300,000
80 生死时速 / Speed 1994 $345,600,000 $121,248,145 $224,300,000
81 格林奇如何偷走圣诞节 / How the Grinch Stole Christmas 2000 $345,000,000 $260,044,825 $85,000,000
82 壮志凌云 / Top Gun 1986 $344,800,000 $176,786,701 $168,000,000
83 变相怪杰 / The Mask 1994 $343,900,000 $119,938,730 $224,000,000
84 新蝙蝠侠不败之谜 / Batman Forever 1995 $336,500,000 $184,031,112 $152,500,000
85 石破天惊 / The Rock 1996 $335,900,000 $134,069,511 $201,800,000
86 魔域奇兵 / Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 1984 $333,100,000 $179,870,271 $153,200,000
87 回到未来II / Back to the Future Part II 1989 $332,000,000 $118,450,002 $213,500,000
88 拜见岳父 / Meet the Parents 2000 $330,400,000 $166,244,045 $164,200,000
89 七宗罪 / Seven 1995 $330,100,000 $100,125,643 $230,000,000
90 完美风暴 / The Perfect Storm 2000 $328,700,000 $182,618,434 $146,100,000
91 鳄鱼邓迪 / Crocodile Dundee 1986 $328,000,000 $174,803,506 $153,400,000
92 钟楼怪人 / The Hunchback of Notre Dame 1996 $325,700,000 $100,138,851 $225,600,000
93 辛德勒名单 / Schindler's List 1993 $321,300,000 $96,065,768 $225,200,000
94 101斑点狗 / 101 Dalmatians 1996 $320,700,000 $136,189,294 $184,500,000
95 致命的诱惑 / Fatal Attraction 1987 $320,100,000 $156,645,693 $163,500,000
96 轰天炮3 / Lethal Weapon 3 1992 $319,700,000 $144,731,527 $175,000,000
97 妙探出更 / Beverly Hills Cop 1984 $316,400,000 $234,760,478 $81,600,000
98 空军一号 / Air Force One 1997 $315,600,000 $172,956,409 $142,600,000
99 尽善尽美 / As Good As It Gets 1997 $314,200,000 $148,478,011 $165,700,000
100 美丽心灵 / A Beautiful Mind 2001 $312,100,000 $170,708,996 $141,400,000